Geogrpahy case study


i tested what i could remeber but only didi it the morning before
Emily Crisp
Note by Emily Crisp, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Crisp
Created by Emily Crisp about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

japan march 2011 key facts earthquake with a magnitude of 9 30km deep focus caused chunks of antartica to break of Tsunami  21 metrs high carried massive boulders killed 18,500 poeple sea walls could not hold the water  short term responses recue teams sent out  10000 soldiers deployed to suply aid and maintain control helicopters where deployed to rescue poeple the Uk sent 63 rescue teams including rescue dogs china and the Usa sent aid  thier was little viloece of theft afyter the event  long term responses  tey reduced rty restraints to encourge development  they built a new sea wall introduced a new early waning system in 2016    

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