English Civil War


All about the English Civil War
mathieu pothier
Mind Map by mathieu pothier, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Holly Mclean
Created by Holly Mclean about 8 years ago
mathieu pothier
Copied by mathieu pothier over 7 years ago

Resource summary

English Civil War
  1. How did it begin
    1. There was conflict between Charles I and Parliament about Irish insecurection
      1. It was also about power and money
        1. Charles I raised taxes all the time
        2. Parliament disagreed with how Charles I ruled the country
      2. When did it start and finish?
        1. Start: 1642
          1. End: 1651
          2. It was a war between the Cavaliers and the Roundheads
            1. Facts
              1. Approximately 200,000 people died
                1. Charles I was executed
                  1. He was executed for treason
                    1. January 30th 1649 was the day of his execution
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