The governments of
Germany between 1919
and Hitler taking power in
Basically everyone hated
Blamed for Treaty of Versailles. And, you know,
everything else.
Groups tried to take power, like the
Spartacist's and the Freikorp. Yeah, they all
failed at doing that.
German government had no money to pay the
reparations, so they printed more. HOW DID
Value of money went DOWN, and prices went UP.
People ended up trading their
possessions for stuff they needed.
Munich Putsch
Hitler planned to seize power in Munich, where
the Nazis had a lot of support.
Hitler marched into Munich, expecting to receive help. He was betrayed and the
police were alerted. 16 Nazis and 3 Policemen were killed. Hitler escaped in a car
but he was arrested 2 days later.
It was after he was arrested
that Hitler wrote the infamous
'Mein Kampf'
In prison, he
re-thought his plans.
Used his trial as publicity.
...this didn't turn out so well. But it sure
showed Germany what the Nazis and
Hitler were capable of.
Treaty of Versailles
Given to Germany after
No German troops
allowed in Rhineland
Lost overseas colonies
No airforce
Army and Navy limited
10% industry and 15% farming
land taken from them
Made to pay Reparations, a
total of £66 Million for
Lost a total of 13% land
Blamed for war.
Led by this guy right here:
Everyone would have liked to lock
him in a cupboard.
Angry at EVERYONE.
Hitler's Henchmen
Josef Goebbels
Hermann Goering
Rudolf Hess
Heinrich Himmler
Ernst Rohm
He became Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
The Political Spectrum:
Dawes/Young Plan
Germany owed money to USA, GB and
France. Unable to pay.
USA loaned Germany money so that
they could rebuild industry and country
(80 mill. marks)
Money generated used to repay debts.
Reparations reduced by 75% (Young Plan)
The Great Depression
Whole world affected by the Wall Street Crash in
1929, but Germany was badly affected from 1929 to 1933.
Weimar couldn't deal with it and became unpopular
again. Basically they suck okay.
Unemployment up to 6 million in 1932.
Businesses closed, incomes fell
40% of all factory workers unemployed by 1932
In 1933 over half of all
Germans between the
ages of 16 and 30 were
Hitler's personal bodyguard.
Led by Himmler
Elite and well disciplined.
Later ran the
camps and
fought in WW2.
Nazi private army.
Led by Rohm
Intimidated +
beat up Nazi
Disorderly + Badly
How did they get
people to vote?
Speeches, Posters,
Radio adverts, election
'Superman Hitler'
His physical
appearance adapted on
Amazing speeches
Never wore reading glasses in public
Promises to everyone.
Vague promises to
'make Germany great
Steps in the Nazi rise to power
Hitler becomes Chancellor (Jan 1933)
Reichstag Fire (Feb 1933)
1933 Election (March)
Banned Communists
The Enabling Act (March 1933)
Hindenburg died (August 1934)
Hitler became a Dictator
The Gestapo
Commanded by
Himmler. They tapped
phones, intercepted mail
and spied on people.
Large network throughout Germany.
One comment against the Nazis was
enough to get you arrested.
Most feared group by Nazi
Education and
Children were 'indoctrinated'
with Nazi ideas.
Leadership Schools
Best children sent to 'Napolas'
(National Political Institutes of
Education), controlled by the SS to
educate future chiefs for the
government and Army
Future political leaders prepared in 'Adolf
Hitler Schools'. These provided a
military-style education.
Nazi teachers and other
students bullied Jewish children
Jews made to feel left out
Teachers had to be
members of the Nazi
Teachers organisation or
they would lose their jobs.
MOST teachers who were not
Nazis resigned and were
Banned most youth groups in 1933.
After 1936, membership of the Hitler Youth was
compulsory, apart from Jewish people.
Persecution of the Jews over time
1933-34 ~
April '33 - Official one day boycott of Jewish
shops, lawyers and doctors all over Germany.
Anti Jewish propaganda increased.
1935 ~ Organised persecution
Jews forbidden to join army.
Marriages between Jews and Aryans banned
Forbade them to have sexual
relations outside marriage.
Reich citizenship Law - Made Jews
'subjects' rather than citizens, i.e.
they lost certain rights.
1936 - Break in persecution because of
the Berlin Olympics
1937 - Serious Persecution
For the first time in two years Hitler made
an attack on the Jews. More Jewish
businesses were confiscated
1938 - Serious Persecution
Jews had to register their property, making it
easier to confiscate.
Jewish Doctors,
dentists and lawyers
were forbidden to
treat Aryans.
Jews had to have a red letter 'J'
stamped on their passports.
Kristallnacht - Nazis
destroyed Jewish
synagogues, homes and
Jewish pupils only allowed to
attend Jewish schools.
1939 - Serious Persecution
All Jews had to add new first names - Sarah for women, Israel for Men.
"Crystal Night" or "Night of Broken Glass"
German diplomat called Ernst Von Rath murdered
in Paris by a Jewish man
Happened on 9-10th November 1938
Spontaneous, or planned?
Hitler Youth involved - said to be only ones in Uniform.