Galaxys and Cosmology


Galaxys and Cosmology Mind Map on Galaxys and Cosmology, created by camwhite1998 on 08/05/2013.
Mind Map by camwhite1998, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by camwhite1998 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Galaxys and Cosmology
  1. ANG
    1. Seyfort
      1. Blasars
        1. Quasars
          1. Active Galactic Nuclei
          2. HUBBLE
            1. Tunning Fork Diagram
              1. Elliptical
                1. Irregular
                  1. Spiral
                  2. REDSHIFT / BLUESHIFT
                    1. Blueshift- lower wavelength
                      1. Blueshift- higher frequency
                        1. Redshift- lower frequency
                          1. Radial Velocity
                            1. Redshift- higher wavelength
                            2. MILKYWAY
                              1. Triangulum
                                1. Large and Small Magelenic Clouds
                                  1. Andromeda
                                    1. Local Group
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