error correcting codes/ Forward Error correction


Mind Map on error correcting codes/ Forward Error correction, created by shamsuddeen2004 on 28/04/2013.
Mind Map by shamsuddeen2004, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shamsuddeen2004 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

error correcting codes/ Forward Error correction
  1. convolutinal code
    1. block by block basis
      1. BASIC : Repetion code , Hammin Code , Multi- dimentioanlal parity check code, repition code ,parity codes ,reed solomoon codes ,cyclic codes (e.g ha)
        1. More -Efficient : Reed Solomon Code ,Turbo Codes, LDP.The last two provide almost optimal efficiency
        2. Decoded with Viterbi
        3. block codes
          1. biy-by-bit basis
            1. ARQ
              1. STOP -AND-WAIT ARQ
                1. GO BACK-N ARQ
                  1. SELECTIVE REPEAT ARQ
                  2. HYBRID ARQ
                    1. Messages are always transmitted with FEC parity data (and error-detection redundancy) A receiver decodes a message using the parity information, and.
                      1. Messages are always transmitted with OUT FEC parity data (and error-detection redundancy ). f a receiver detects an error, it requests FEC informatio
                        1. hybrid ARQ with soft combining : In practice, incorrectly received coded data blocks are often stored at the receiver rather than discarded, and when
                          1. Chase Combining: every retransmission contains the same information (data and parity bits). The receiver uses maximum-ratio combining to combine the r
                            1. Type 1 HARQ with MCR is called Chase combing
                            2. Incremental Redundancy :every retransmission contains different information than the previous one. Multiple sets of coded bits are generated, each rep
                              1. Type 2 n the type-II HARQ scheme [23], [24], instead of sending the same coded packets, the transmitter tries to construct and send additional coded p
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