First make sure the denominators are the same. For example for 1/2 and 1/3 you would make the denominator 6 and then multiply the 1's by 3 and two to make 3/6 and 2/6.
you then add them together to make 5/6.
How to subtract fractions?
All you have to do is the same as adding but when you get the multiplied fractions subtract the numerator.
How to multiply fractions?
To multiply fractions you multiply the numerators together and then multiply the denominators together. So it will look like this 2/3x4/5=8/15
How to divide fractions?
To divide fractions you have to remember KFC this stands for Keep Flip Change you have to keep the first fraction the same flip the the second fraction upside down and change the division sign to a multiply sign. For example 3/5 / 4/6 = 3/5x6/4= 18/20=9/10