

A-Level History (European Reformation) Mind Map on Calvin, created by lottelou96 on 20/04/2013.
Mind Map by lottelou96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lottelou96 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Studied many great Humanist writers and by 1532 he wrote first book, a commentary on De Clementia. Year after, fled Paris because of church opposers
    1. By 1536, disconnected with Church and made plans to leave Church for good. Stayed in Geneva for a night after war broke out between France & Spain
      1. Great debater and writer and could write well in French
        1. By 1530, moving towards idea of Predestination as well as new ideas on sacraments, role of church and discipline.
          1. Geneva was one Swiss canton breaking away from RCC and was gradually becoming Prot. Calvin arrived in 1536.
            1. 1536 - publishes 1st edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion
              1. Calvin wanted a clear statement of his beliefs. To him, Bible was word of God and his interpretation was the truth; only way to speak with humanity
                1. Calvin believed in free will - ability of man to choose between good and evil
                  1. Double predestination - God knew not only who would be saved but who would be condemned to eternal damnation; there was nothing that could be done.
                2. 1537 - A Protestant Statement presented to City Council
                  1. 1538 - banished from Geneva with Farel and Corault
                    1. Key beliefs
                      1. scripture the only source of faith
                        1. denial of free will
                          1. justification by faith alone
                            1. good works irrelevant to salvation
                              1. inadmissibility of grace
                                1. certainty of salvation
                                  1. absolute predestination
                                  2. Opponents
                                    1. Servetus
                                      1. Libertines
                                        1. Bolsec
                                        2. 1541 - Ecclesiastical Ordinances established in Geneva
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