

Revision Notes On Egypt
Mind Map by rjwcityfan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rjwcityfan over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Occupation
    1. Ottoman empire in decline
      1. GB don't want other countries to get it
        1. fear threatening their interests
      2. Suez canal
        1. Large GB investement
          1. GB banks loaned Egypt Enormous loans
            1. 1000 miles railway built
              1. Schools
              2. 1863-1879 debt 3M - 100M
                1. Interest rate 7%-20%
              3. Building finished 1869
              4. Economic advice
                1. Requested by Ismali
                  1. Of GB + Fr
                  2. Cave report
                    1. Two problems
                      1. Ignorance, dishonesty of East
                        1. Poor economic managment
                          1. Resources sufficient if managed properly
                      2. 1878 Anglo-French rescue plan
                        1. GB+Fr government officials control economy
                          1. Fr government
                            1. GB Economy
                              1. Dual control 1878-1882
                                1. Tax on food + goods
                                2. foreign loans interest rate to 5%
                                  1. Restored financial stability
                                    1. But increased unemployment
                            2. Nationalist uprising
                              1. 1882 under Arabi Pasha
                                1. Wanted an end to Anglo french control
                                  1. Law + order had collapsed
                                    1. 11th June riot in Alexandria
                                      1. 50 Europeans died
                                        1. GB government order formal control
                                          1. Royal Navy + Army bombard Egypt
                                            1. 1882 rebellion crushed
                                              1. GB take full control
                                                1. France annoyed
                                                  1. Take troops out of Sudan 1884
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