obedience: situational variables


AS - Level psychology (chapter 1 - social influence ) Mind Map on obedience: situational variables, created by Daisy U on 26/03/2016.
Daisy  U
Mind Map by Daisy U, updated more than 1 year ago
Daisy  U
Created by Daisy U over 8 years ago

Resource summary

obedience: situational variables
  1. variables
    1. proximity
      1. teacher and learner in same room
        1. 40%
      2. baseline study
        1. at Yale all variables normal
          1. 65%
        2. location
          1. run down office block
            1. 47.5%
          2. touch proximity
            1. teacher forces learners hand onto plate
              1. 30%
            2. remote instruction
              1. experimenter not in room and gave orders over the phone
                1. 20.5%
              2. uniform
                1. experimenter was a 'ember of the public'
                  1. 20%
              3. evaluation
                1. research support - uniform
                  1. Bickman - field experiment in New York
                    1. 3 confederates dressed as
                      1. milkman
                        1. jacket and tie
                          1. security guard
                          2. results
                            1. twice as likely to obey the security guard than the jacket and tie
                            2. the men asked for a coin for a parking meter or to pick up litter
                          3. lack of internal validity
                            1. Orne & Holland
                              1. baseline procedure was fake
                                1. participants were even more likely to realise the variations were fake due to extra manipulation
                                  1. the situations were so unrealistic
                                    1. did the participants just go along with it - demand characteristics
                            2. cross cultural replications
                              1. supported Milgram
                                1. Miranda
                                  1. obedience rate over 90% for Spanish students
                                2. however
                                  1. Smith & Bond
                                    1. most replication were in the west - developed countries
                                      1. similar culture to US
                              2. evaluation +
                                1. control of variables
                                  1. Milgram only changed one thing at a time
                                    1. study was replicated lots
                                      1. good
                                  2. the obedience alibi
                                    1. Milgram said - the situation you are in effects your obedience
                                      1. Mandel
                                        1. said that just makes an excuse for evil behaviour
                                          1. offensive to Holocaust survivors
                                            1. Nazis were obeying orders and were victims of situational actors that were out of their control
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