obedience: Milgram's research


AS - Level psychology (chapter 1 - social influence ) Mind Map on obedience: Milgram's research, created by Daisy U on 26/03/2016.
Daisy  U
Mind Map by Daisy U, updated more than 1 year ago
Daisy  U
Created by Daisy U over 8 years ago

Resource summary

obedience: Milgram's research
  1. why did the Germans follow Hitler and kill so many people? - more obedient?
    1. procedure
      1. advertised for a memory study
        1. 40 males aged 20-50
          1. $4.50
          2. teacher - naive participant. student - confederate. experimenter - actor
            1. shocks from 15v (slight shock) to 450v (XXX danger severe chock)
              1. experimenter prods - please continue, the experiment requires you to continue, you have no other choice
              2. findings
                1. no participants stopped below 300v
                  1. 12.5% (5 people) stopped at 300v
                    1. 65% went all the way
                  2. qualitative data
                    1. participants showed:
                      1. extreme tension
                        1. sweat, tremble, stutter, bite lip, groan
                          1. 3 had full blown uncontrollable seizures
                    2. after
                      1. all were debriefed
                        1. told behaviour was normal
                          1. follow up questionnaire - 84% glad to have participated
                  3. evaluation
                    1. low internal validity
                      1. Orne & Holland
                        1. participants behaved the way they did as they knew it wasn't real (including shocks)
                        2. Perry
                          1. listened to study and said a lot of the participants said the shocks weren't real
                          2. however
                            1. Sheridan & King
                              1. did experiment with a puppy and real shocks
                                1. 54% of males went all the way
                                  1. 100% of women went all the way
                                2. Milgram said 70% of people thought the chocks were real
                              2. good external validity
                                1. central feature = relationship between participant and experimenter
                                  1. the lab reflects wider authority relationships in real life
                                  2. research support
                                    1. Hofling
                                      1. nurses obeying unjustified demands by doctors was high (21 out of 22)
                                        1. the findings of Milgram can be generalised
                                  3. supporting replication
                                    1. the game of death - French tv 2010
                                      1. replicated Milgram's study - had to give shocks to actors live on tv
                                        1. 80% delivered max shock
                                          1. behaviour was identical - nervous laughter, nail biting & anxiety
                                  4. evaluation +
                                    1. alternative explanation - social identity theory
                                      1. key to obedience is group identification
                                        1. Milgram - participants identified with experimenter and the science of study
                                          1. when they stopped they identified with the victim
                                        2. Haslam + Reicher
                                          1. studied the behaviour of the participants
                                            1. looked at how the prods effected them
                                              1. they don't demand obedience but appeal for help with science
                                        3. ethical issues
                                          1. Baumrind
                                            1. high levels of deception
                                              1. teacher and learner was random - not
                                                1. shocks weren't real
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