

A brief breakdown of the layers, innervation and function of skin and its specialisations
Ryan Madden
Mind Map by Ryan Madden, updated more than 1 year ago
Ryan Madden
Created by Ryan Madden about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Skin
    1. Layers of Skin
      1. Epidermis
        1. Stratum Basale
          1. First layer
            1. The division cells
            2. Stratum Spinosum
              1. Second layer
                1. Dermosomes formed - Strength
                2. Stratum Granulosum
                  1. Third layer
                    1. most keratin secreted
                      1. Granules secreted
                      2. Stratum Luciderm
                        1. fourth layer
                          1. Organelles die
                          2. Stratum Cornium
                            1. final layer
                              1. dead cells, stacked
                            2. Dermis
                              1. Papillary
                                1. Vascular
                                  1. Lymph and nerve
                                  2. Reticular
                                    1. Collagen and elastin fibres
                                  3. Hypodermis
                                    1. Epidermal junction
                                      1. Structure
                                        1. type 4 collagen
                                          1. GAGs
                                            1. Glycoproteins
                                            2. Function
                                              1. adhesion between layer
                                                1. barrier
                                                  1. organisation of cells
                                              2. Appendages/ Specialisations
                                                1. Hair
                                                  1. Thermoregulation
                                                  2. Sweat glands
                                                    1. Eccrine
                                                      1. Sweat
                                                      2. Apocrine
                                                        1. localised aromatic sweat
                                                      3. Sebaceous gland
                                                        1. secrete oily grease (waterprooifing
                                                      4. Functions
                                                        1. Barrier and protection
                                                          1. Sensation
                                                            1. Metabolism and storage
                                                              1. Thermoregulation
                                                              2. Cell types
                                                                1. Laangerhaan cells
                                                                  1. Immuno function
                                                                  2. Keratinocytes
                                                                    1. structural protein secretion
                                                                    2. Merkel cells
                                                                      1. Neuroendocrine function
                                                                      2. Melanocyte
                                                                        1. Skin pigmentation
                                                                      3. Innervation of skin
                                                                        1. Sensory - Afferent nerve endings
                                                                          1. Pacinian corpuscle
                                                                            1. Deep pressure and vibration
                                                                              1. Hypodermis
                                                                                1. Modified Scwann cells
                                                                                2. Meissners corpuscle
                                                                                  1. Papillary dermis
                                                                                    1. Mechano-receptors - light pressure
                                                                                    2. Ruffini corpuscle
                                                                                      1. Mechanoreceptors - stretching of skin
                                                                                      2. Free nerve endings
                                                                                        1. Pain, Itch, temperature
                                                                                          1. Papillary Dermis
                                                                                        2. Efferent nerve endings
                                                                                          1. Blood vessel diametre and blood flow
                                                                                            1. Thermo regulation communication
                                                                                          2. Healing
                                                                                            1. Resolution
                                                                                              1. replace with cell
                                                                                                1. minimal or no scarring
                                                                                                2. Repair
                                                                                                  1. replace with connective tissue
                                                                                                    1. Scarring
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