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PSYA2 Stress
Psychology Mind Map on PSYA2 Stress, created by Ap Di on 15/04/2013.
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Mind Map by
Ap Di
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Ap Di
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
PSYA2 Stress
Life Changes and Workplace Stress
Marmot et al. (1997)
Investigation into the job strain model of stress: 1. High workload (creating greater job demands) 2. Low job control (deadlines, procedures)
Higher grade employees would experience a high workload, where as the low grade civil servants would have low job control
Holmes and Rahe: Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)
They asked 400 ppts to give 43 life changes a score
High time to readjust = high score
Scores were averaged and then that meant values could be judged by their impact
Work Conflict
Work and outside life conflict with eachother
Pomaki: With role conflict there are more absentees, lower performance, physical and mental health
Immune System
Acute Stress Response
SAM: Adrenaline
Increased O2 and glucose to the brain and muscles
Suppress non-urgent bodily functions e.g digestion
SNS: Noradrenaline
Increased heartrate
Dilated pupils
Mobilise fat cells
ANS (autonomic nervous system)
2 Parts: PSB (parasympathetic branch) SNS (sympathetic nervous system)
SNS and SAM = sympathetic medullary pathway
Kielcolt-Galser et al. (1984)
Impact of important examinations on medical students
Baseline for comparison was a blood sample one month beforehand
Cell functioning was significantly lower in the second month
Acute stress lowers the immune functioning
Chronic Stress Response
Pituitary adrenal system (PAS) controls the levels of cortisol
The stressor is perceived, the hypothalamus and PVN releases CRF (corticotrophin) releasing factor
CRF causes ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone) to be released
The adrenal cortex will release cortisol
Will lower pain sensitivity
Will give a quick burst of energy
Impaired cognitive ability
High blood pressure
Lowered immune system
Malarkey et al (1994)
Got 90 newly wed for a time period of 24 hours to discuss marital issues
These discussions led to changes in adrenaline and nora adrenaline which in turn caused bad immune function
Kiecolt-Glaser (2005)
The blister wounds on the arms of the married couples after the discussions took longer to heal
Defending the body against antigens
1: Form a barrier e.g mucus inside the airways
2. Detect and eliminate the antibodies before they reproduce
3. Eliminate the antibodies after reproduction
Daily Hassles and Uplifts
HSUP (hassles and uplifts scale)
Uplifts: Small positive experiences which may offset hassles
Daily Hassles: Minor day to day stressors which may frustrate or annoy a person
Amplification effect
Acumilation effect
Personalities and Stress
Type A: Impatient, competitive, achievement striving, hostile and aggressive
Type B: Patient, relaxed, easy going
Hardy: Control, commitment and challenge
Friedman and Rosenman
Back up type A personality
High blood pressure, high stress hormones, linked to CHD
Physiological and Psychological Treatments
SIT (stress inoculation training)
1:Conceptualisation phase
2. Skills aquisition phase
3. Application phase
Hardiness Training
1. Focusing
2. Relieving stressful encounters
3. Self improvement
Beta Blockers (BBs)
Bind to the receptors on the surface of the stimulated organ
Causing the blockedge makes it harder to stimulate
Causes a decreased heart rate, causing less anxious behaviour
Benzodiazepines (BZs)
Bind to GABA, increasing efficiency
More chloride ions to the brain
Difficult to stimulate other neurotransmitters so it slows CNS
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