Ainsworth's strange situation


AS - Level psychology (chapter 3 - attachment ) Mind Map on Ainsworth's strange situation, created by Daisy U on 31/01/2016.
Daisy  U
Mind Map by Daisy U, updated more than 1 year ago
Daisy  U
Created by Daisy U over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Ainsworth's strange situation
  1. basics
    1. aim = observe key attachment behaviours and their quality
      1. procedure
        1. controlled observation
          1. two way mirror
            1. PESSR - people eat smoked sausages regularly
              1. proximity seeking
                1. good attachment will stay fairly close to caregiver
                2. exploration and secure base behaviour
                  1. good attachment = child wants to explore (caregiver is secure base)
                  2. stranger anxiety
                    1. anxiety to strangers
                    2. separation anxiety
                      1. protest to separation from caregiver
                      2. response reunion
                        1. positive response to caregiver returning
                    3. how it works
                      1. 1. the child is encourage to explore (exploration & secure base)
                        1. 2. stranger comes and interacts (stranger anxiety)
                          1. 3. caregiver leaves (separation & stranger anxiety)
                            1. 4. caregiver returns stranger leaves (reunion, exploration & secure base)
                              1. 5. caregiver leaves (separation anxiety)
                                1. 6. stranger returns (stranger anxiety)
                                  1. 7. caregiver returns (reunion)
                      2. findings
                        1. types of attachment
                          1. secure attachment
                            1. happy to explore but return
                              1. moderate separation & stranger anxiety
                                1. accept comfort
                                2. insecure avoidant
                                  1. freely explore don't return
                                    1. no reaction when caregiver leaves or returns
                                      1. no stranger anxiety
                                    2. insecure resistant
                                      1. need greater proximity - explore less
                                        1. huge stranger & separation distress
                                  2. evaluation
                                    1. support for validity
                                      1. support later development
                                        1. secure - better outcomes in life
                                          1. insecure resistant - worst outcomes
                                        2. good reliability
                                          1. inter rater reliability
                                            1. different observers can watch and agree n the same attachments
                                              1. due to controlled settings
                                                1. due to behavioural categories
                                                  1. not just dependant on observer
                                              2. the test may be culture bound
                                                1. different for countries outside US & Western Europe
                                                  1. why?
                                                    1. cultural differences for kids
                                                      1. caregivers from different cultures behave differently
                                                      2. e.g. Japan
                                                        1. mother doesn't leave child
                                                          1. high separation anxiety
                                                  2. evaluation +
                                                    1. what does the strange situation measure
                                                      1. child's response to anxiety from an unfamiliar environment
                                                        1. is attachment the main cause of anxiety
                                                          1. is temperament (genetically influenced behaviour)
                                                            1. confounding variable?
                                                      2. at least one or more attachment type
                                                        1. some children don't fall into these categories
                                                          1. disorganised attachment
                                                            1. odd mix of resistant & avoidant behaviour
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