Agency Theory Description


Psychology (Agency Theory) Mind Map on Agency Theory Description, created by pmfisher1996 on 11/04/2013.
Mind Map by pmfisher1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pmfisher1996 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Agency Theory Description
  1. We can be in an agentic state which may cause moral strain
    1. In social situations we become the agent of someone else's will and follow orders
      1. In such circumstances we will do things that we would not normally choose to do
        1. This can create moral strain in the individual obeying the order
          1. In the autonomous state we are free thinking and able to make our own decision
            1. The theory believes we are socialised into an agentic state from a young age...
              1. E.g. as children we learn to obey our parents and teachers and act as agents following social rules
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