Research & Psychology


Mind Map by psycho.unicycler, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by psycho.unicycler almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Research & Psychology
  1. Hypothesis: testable prediction with clear variables
    1. Research method: best test's the hypothesis
      1. Ex. Experiments, case studies, or observation
        1. Collect Data by Interview, questionnaire, psychological tests, observation
          1. Analyse Data with statistics to prove/disprove hypothesis
            1. Write a summary of the findings
              1. Evaluating research by conducting more experiments (replication)
        2. Inferential Statistics: Evaluate with probability if results are due to chance
        3. Variables
          1. Independant: variable that experimenter controls
            1. Extraneous: variable that not under experimenter control & can affect dependent variable
              1. Ex. Personality
                1. Confounding variables: Conflicting variables that are difficult to sort out effects
              2. Scientific Approach
                1. Clarity & precision
                  1. Intonate of error
                    1. More accurate and dependable with further testing of why
                  2. Groups
                    1. Experimental group: exposed to the change in the independent variable
                      1. Placebo Effect: Fake treatment but think they had treatment
                      2. Control Group: Under normal exposure to independent variable
                        1. Sampling bias: replicating a smaller group in the experiment with similar generalizations
                        2. Types of Research
                          1. Experimental
                            1. Controlled conditions: Isolates the relationship with the independent & dependent variable
                              1. May use Field study to encourage generalizability
                              2. Disadvantages: Manipulations of variables may be impossible & most experiments are artificial
                              3. Naturalistic Observation
                                1. Observe behaviour without interfering
                                  1. Less Artificial
                                  2. Presence of an observer may change behaviour
                                  3. Case Studies
                                    1. Study a small group
                                      1. Ideal for difficulty getting subjects
                                      2. Poor representative of the whole population
                                      3. Surveys
                                        1. Interview to get data
                                          1. Good to study behaviour thats hard to directly
                                            1. Good for attitudes opinions on large populations
                                              1. Although, wishful thinking, memory lapses & poorly worded answers may occur
                                            2. Descriptive statistics: organize & summarize data
                                              1. Central tendency measures: median mean & mode
                                                1. Variability : difference between control & experimental group numbers
                                                  1. Correlation: when 2 variables affect each other
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