Realism (international relations)


Realist theory (international relations)
Mind Map by shirinros, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shirinros over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Realism (international relations)
  1. Human nature to be aggressive
    1. Self-interest of the state within a competitive system
      1. No authority above the state
        1. Survival, statism, self-help
          1. Security solely in the terms of state security - state can protect itself and its citizens from an anarchic international system
            1. Anarchy makes conflict inevitable and states are condemned to constant security conflict
              1. Power is the most important factor
                1. Neo-realism
                  1. states have to be aggressive due to the nature of the anarchic world system
                    1. Defensive: States should seek as much power as needed, but not more
                      1. Offensive: States should seek as much power as possible in order to be able to pressure other countries
                        1. Distribution of capabilities: capabilities are measured by the number of superpowers in the international system
                          1. Every sovereign state is equal and will try to pursue its own interests
                            1. Realists believe that there can never be trust between states because the other states' real intentions can never be known
                          2. International institutions can only survive with the support of a hegemon
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