8.3 Violence


Overview of 8.3 Violence.
Mind Map by isabell.edvinsso, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by isabell.edvinsso about 9 years ago

Resource summary

8.3 Violence
  1. Definitions
    1. Aggression= Sequence of behaviour with goal of dominating/hurting other individual
      1. Violence= Aggressive act, abuse of individual directly/indirectly
      2. BLOA: Hormones
        1. Testosterone
          1. Evolutionary aspects. Sexual arousal and aggression. Dominace & Status seeking
            1. Bernhardt
              1. Positive correlation between high levels of testosterone and antisocial behaviour in males (low socio-economic status)
              2. Mazur and Booth
                1. Levels of testosterone rise in athletes before competative matches
              3. Seratonin
                1. Bernhardt
                  1. Low seratonin levels + High tesosterone levels = Aggression
                  2. Low levels of seratonin = Aggressive behaviour
                2. BLOA: Frontal-lobe abnormalities
                  1. Grafman
                    1. Veterans from Vietnam war suffering from penetrating head injuries and control group. Rating aggressive behaviour by questionnaries and scales and family observations. Patients with frontal-lobe abnormalities having a higher violence scale than controls.
                  2. CLOA
                    1. Factors
                      1. Social environments, anti-social behaviour, social schemas, negative views of one self.
                      2. Cultivation theory
                        1. Violence in media, showing children that violence is acceptable/normal behaviour (social learning theory)
                        2. Theory of threatened egotism
                          1. Baumesiter and Bushman
                            1. Questionnaries to measure self-esteem (narcissism). Participants writing and essay, receiving either good or bad feedback. Time-reaction test, slowest receiving blast of noise. Aggression highest among narcissits having received ad feedback.
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