The country of Vietnam


an overview of vietnam
Thúy Ngô Thị Cẩm
Mind Map by Thúy Ngô Thị Cẩm, updated more than 1 year ago
Thúy Ngô Thị Cẩm
Created by Thúy Ngô Thị Cẩm almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The country of Vietnam
  1. Geography
    1. Eastern of Indochina
      1. Letter “S” shape
        1. 330,000 km2
          1. Coastline: 3,260 km
            1. 5 parts
              1. highest peak: Fansipan (3,143 m)
                1. Two main rivers
                  1. Tropical monsoon climate
                  2. Economy, Education, Culture, Society
                    1. Socialist Republic of Vietnam
                      1. 8th-most-populous Asian country
                        1. 1986, economic and political reforms
                          1. 63 provinces, 5 of which are municipalities
                            1. 3 religions
                              1. ASEAN in 1997
                                1. WTO in 2007
                                  1. leading agriculture exporter
                                    1. Diplomatic ties between VN and the US 1992
                                    2. History
                                      1. History
                                        1. Acient times
                                          1. 500,000 yrs ago- Habitation of Northern VN
                                            1. 4,000 yrs ago - Hung King dynasty
                                            2. Medieval times
                                              1. 2nd BC - 938 - Chinese domination
                                                1. Ngo - Dinh - Ho
                                                  1. 1009- Ly
                                                    1. 1225 - Tran
                                                      1. 1427 - Later Le
                                                        1. 1627 - Trinh-Nguyen lords
                                                          1. 1788 - Tay son
                                                          2. Early modern time
                                                            1. 1802- Nguyen
                                                              1. 1858-1945 French colonial rule
                                                              2. Modern times
                                                                1. 1945 - Vietnamese nationalism
                                                                  1. 1954-1975 Vietnam war
                                                                2. Main Political events 1945 - 1975
                                                                  1. 02/9/1945 declare independence
                                                                    1. Late 9/1945 French reoccupied
                                                                      1. 07/5/1954 DBP battle
                                                                        1. 1955 Ngo Dinh Diem - president
                                                                          1. 1960 National Liberation Front in the South VN
                                                                            1. 1962-1963 the fall of South VN regime
                                                                              1. 11/1963 Diem and Nhu were assasinated
                                                                                1. 1964-1966 South VN --> political chaos
                                                                                  1. 8/1964 incident of Tonkin Gulf
                                                                                    1. 1966 Nguyen Van Thieu and Nguyen Cao Ky
                                                                                      1. 1968 Tet offensive
                                                                                        1. 1973 Paris Peace Agreement
                                                                                          1. 1975: Complete fall of SG regime
                                                                                            1. 21/04/1975: Nguyen Van Thieu, Tran Van Huong, Duong Van Minh
                                                                                              1. 30/4/1975: war end
                                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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