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definitions of abnormality
AS - Level psychology (chapter 5 - psychopathology ) Mind Map on definitions of abnormality, created by Daisy U on 10/11/2015.
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as level
chapter 5 - psychopathology
as - level
Mind Map by
Daisy U
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Daisy U
about 9 years ago
Resource summary
definitions of abnormality
statistical deviation
normal - something that occurs a lot
behaviour that is different - abnormal
e.g. IQ
can be reliably measured
normal distribution 85-115
below 70
intellectual disability disorder
deviation from social norms
what is acceptable
what is right in society
specific to the culture we live in
homosexuality for some cultures
few behaviours are universally abnormal
antisocial personality disorder
impulsive, aggressive & irresponsible
an absence of prosocial internal standards
failure to conform to the law
failure to conform to cultural behaviour
don't conform to moral standards
abnormal behaviour
evaluation - statistical deviation
real life application
applied in the diagnosis of intellectual disability disorder
can be measured
compared to the norm to see how severe their illness is
unusual characteristics
IQ of 130 is as unusual as one of 70
upper intelligence is a good thing
doesn't need treatment
just because something isn't normal doesn't mean it's abnormal
no benefit of being labelled abnormal if..
someone with a low IQ is living a good life
no distress
can work
being labelled may have a negative effect
evaluation - deviation from social norms
strength - real life application
diagnose - antisocial personality disorder
however there are other factors
distress to other people from APD
never the sole reason to define abnormality
cultural relativism
what may be normal in one society may not be in another
hearing voices for some cultures is normal
but not in the UK - may be mentally ill
problem for people living in another country
human rights abused
too much reliance on deviation from social norms
can lead to systematic abuse of human rights
historical records
show deviation from social norms
were to have control over minority groups
nowadays these norms seem silly
but only because of our norms
are our modern day mental illnesses
abusing peoples rights to be different
evaluation +
strength of deviation form social norms - weakness of statistical deviation
includes the issue of the desirability of a behaviour
e.g. geniuses are statistically abnormal
but we wouldn't define them as abnormal
social norms can be more useful than statistical norms
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