The Field of Psychology


Children psychology, Theories of on development., Stages of Development
Samantha Sponsler
Mind Map by Samantha Sponsler, updated 8 months ago
Samantha Sponsler
Created by Samantha Sponsler 8 months ago

Resource summary

The Field of Psychology
  1. Child Devlopment
    1. Aristotle
      1. Believed humans are born as "blank slates"
      2. John Locke
        1. Shared same "blank slate"view as Aristotle, also known as the tabula rasa view. They believed children's development was shaped by their environment
        2. Original Sin
          1. Another view of human nature which believes children are born with the sins of Adam and Eve
        3. Domains Of Development
          1. Physical Development
            1. Genetics, Prenatal Development, Sensation, Motor Skills
            2. Cognitive Development
              1. Changes with thinking throughout childhood such as problem solving and academic skill development
              2. Socioemotional development
                1. Influences based upon parenting, peers and society
              3. Developmental issues
                1. Nature
                  1. Biological in nature (genetics)
                  2. Nurture
                    1. Enviromental in nature (family)
                  3. Stages Of Development
                    1. Prenatal Development
                      1. Infancy and Toddlerhood
                        1. Early Childhood
                          1. Middle Childhood
                            1. Adolescences
                              1. Early Adulthood
                                1. Middle Adulthood
                                  1. Late Adulthood
                                    1. Death & Dying
                                    2. Psychodynamic Theory
                                      1. Sigmund Freud
                                        1. Believed personality forms within the first few years of childs life based of off different interactions
                                          1. Theory of Development
                                            1. Theory of the mind
                                              1. believed that we aren't aware of our mental processes
                                            2. Theory of Self
                                              1. ID
                                                1. Ego
                                                  1. Super Ego
                                                  2. Psychosexual Stages
                                                    1. Oral stage ( baby sucking on thumb or a toy)
                                                      1. Anal Stage (potty training)
                                                        1. Phallic Stage (attraction)
                                                    2. Palov
                                                      1. Classical Conditioning
                                                        1. response to a situation
                                                          1. Watson (Behavorism)
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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