Big Data


Ríos Insua, D. & Gómez-Ullate Oteiza, D. (2019). Big data: conceptos, tecnologías y aplicaciones. Editorial CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
david sebastian
Mind Map by david sebastian, updated 10 months ago
david sebastian
Created by david sebastian 10 months ago

Resource summary

Big Data
  1. what is Big Data?
    1. Big data is the set of volumes of data from different sources that, due to their magnitude, are not so easy to process on common computers, but which can provide great value to organizations.
      1. what is the origin of Big Data?
        1. Big data does not have a defined origin as such, but it arises as a necessity due to the growing amount of data and its structure or lack of structure, therefore a new opportunity is generated to develop better data management.
          1. structured data example
            1. databases
            2. unstructured data example
              1. comments on social networks
                1. Emails
            3. Implications of Big Data
              1. data privacy and security
                1. adequate infrastructure for big data
                  1. new ETL skills
                    1. analysis of new business models
                      1. ethics in information management
                      2. Main definitions of Big Data.
                        1. 5 V´s
                          1. Principal 3 v´s
                            1. Volumen
                              1. big data is high volumes of data
                              2. Velocity
                                1. speed is essential when processing and receiving new information
                                2. Variety
                                  1. Its importance lies in the diversity of data sources
                                3. 4 and 5 v´s
                                  1. Veracity
                                    1. It is necessary to make good decisions
                                    2. Valor
                                      1. The objective of the exercise is always to generate value
                                4. Big Data motivations.
                                  1. from small to big data
                                    1. new vision of the business
                                      1. new business models with current data
                                        1. Digital transformation
                                          1. Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics
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