Chapter 2: MCU Archi and Embed C


mind map for ict2104 chapter 2
Meixi Lim
Mind Map by Meixi Lim, updated more than 1 year ago
Meixi Lim
Created by Meixi Lim about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 2: MCU Archi and Embed C
  1. Von Neumann Architecture
    1. Stored program computer
      1. Stores program data and instructions data in the same memory (RAM)
        1. CPU / Processor: Central Processing Unit
          1. Memory: Stores data and program
            1. I/O / Peripherals: For CPU to interface to external world.
              1. Address bus: Determine which location
                1. Data Bus: Determine the data size
                  1. Control Bus: Determine the type of instruction (read / write)
                  2. I/O and Interfacing with Externals
                    1. Connection
                      1. Loosely Coupled: For external interface
                        1. via external bus
                          1. via network
                            1. via port
                            2. Tightly Coupled: For internal interface
                              1. via fast internal bus
                            3. Data Transfer
                              1. Serial
                                1. Transmit data bit by bit
                                  1. Requires at least 2 wires to support bidirectional communcation
                                    1. Low speed but is the standard for external interface
                                    2. Parallel
                                      1. Transmit data multiple bits at a time
                                        1. Require multiple interconnections and additional synchronization mechanism
                                          1. Fast but limited to short distance, mostly used for internal interfacing
                                        2. OS
                                          1. Multitasking: Perform more than one task
                                            1. Multithreading: Different parts of same program executed simultaneously
                                              1. Multiprocessing: Work appears to be simultaneous because of speed of proceesor
                                                1. CPU Speed: Measure of number of instructions CPU can carry out per second
                                                  1. 2.5GHz CPU: 2.5 billion cycles / second
                                              2. Microcontroller Selection
                                                1. Key Selection Criteria
                                                  1. CPU computation requirements
                                                    1. Number of I/O available
                                                      1. Support in terms of tools and software libraries availability
                                                        1. Cost
                                                          1. MCU Manufacturer
                                                            1. Power Consumption
                                                            2. Memory Options
                                                              1. Types: Masked, EEPROM, Flash, RAM, FRAM
                                                                1. Size: Can have a wide range
                                                                2. Internal Peripherals
                                                                3. MSP430
                                                                  1. CPU Block Diagram
                                                                    1. PC: Address of next instruction to be executed
                                                                      1. SP (20 bit): Points to RAM reserve to store program context so that it can return after subroutine / interrupt processing.
                                                                        1. SR: Contains a set of flags (C, Z, N, V), GIE and MCU mode selection bits
                                                                          1. Constant Generator: 6 most frequently used values
                                                                            1. General purpose registers: 12
                                                                            2. Key Features
                                                                              1. Ultra Low Power
                                                                                1. Increased Performance
                                                                                  1. Innovative Features
                                                                                    1. 16-bit RISC computer based on Von Neumann architecture
                                                                                    2. Memory: Sequential list of addressable storage elements
                                                                                      1. Program / Instruction: A sequence of instructions
                                                                                        1. Not possible to differentiate instruction and data
                                                                                          1. Data: Values instructions operate on
                                                                                        2. Embedded C
                                                                                          1. Identifiers
                                                                                            1. const: Constant; stored in program section memory
                                                                                              1. extern: To make reference to variables declared elsewhere
                                                                                                1. static: Preserves the variable even after function/block
                                                                                                  1. volatile: To allow changes of variable by an event outside program i.e. ADC
                                                                                                  2. Directives
                                                                                                    1. include: to include a file as part of source code
                                                                                                      1. define: substitute a name by corresponding expression
                                                                                                        1. pragma: compiler specific directive; instructs compiler to use implementation dependent features
                                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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