Personal Statement


This is a personal statement for my application for uni, I wish to do games design and production, in this will include my skills, experience, motivations for the course and other intrests
Mind Map by reecey112k9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by reecey112k9 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Personal Statement
  1. Skills
    1. Team worker
      1. individual
        1. creative
          1. Innovative
            1. Computer skills
              1. Indepth gaming knowledge
                1. knowledge of using computer software
              2. Experiance
                1. Wales
                  1. Team work
                    1. became well rounded
                      1. Social skills
                        1. survival skills
                        2. Subway
                          1. Health and safety
                            1. Hands on experience
                              1. People skills and handling money
                            2. Motivation
                              1. 1000+ Hours of gaming
                                1. Variety of different genres
                                  1. RPG
                                    1. Stratage
                                      1. FPS
                                        1. Turnbase
                                          1. Horror story based
                                        2. Interest in how games are made
                                          1. looking in to studios e.g Bethesda, Ubsoft
                                          2. Wanting to learn the different menthod of creating a game
                                            1. Techniques
                                              1. Ideas
                                                1. Perspective
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