The Leadership Struggle 1924-29


the leadership struggle from 1924-29 in russia
Mind Map by g-jacqmin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by g-jacqmin almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Leadership Struggle 1924-29
  1. The contenders: Trotsky, Stalin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and Rykov
    1. 1924
      1. Lenin dies
        1. Stalin tricks Trotsky- tells him wrong date for funeral- Trotsky loses support as Lenin was very popular
          1. Stalin, Kamenev and Zinoviev form a triumvirate and dominate the Politburo
          2. 1925
            1. Trotsky is sacked as war commissar
              1. Stalin introduces "socialism in 1 country". Opposite to Trotsky's unpopular "world communist revolution"
              2. 1926
                1. Stalin allies himself with Bukharin against Kamenev and Zinoviev
                2. 1927
                  1. Stalin supports NEP and expels Kamenev and Zinoviev who want " fast economic modernisation" as well as kicking out Trotsky from the party
                  2. 1928
                    1. Trotsky exiled to Siberia
                      1. Stalin switches to "fast modernisation" and attacks Bukharin and Rykov who support the NEP
                      2. 1929
                        1. Trotsky expelled from the USSR
                          1. Bukharin expelled from the party
                            1. Stalin has complete control of the USSR
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