The Cold War - The Fear of Communism


11 Yr 9-10 History (Australia in the Vietnam War Era) Mind Map on The Cold War - The Fear of Communism, created by ElsienaKate on 03/04/2013.
Mind Map by ElsienaKate, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ElsienaKate almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

The Cold War - The Fear of Communism
  1. Communist governments were set up.
    1. Russia
      1. North Korea
        1. China
          1. Germany
            1. Communist movements
              1. French Indochina
                1. British Malaya
              2. War of suspicion and distrust between the democratic nations of the world.
                1. Existence of nuclear weapons added to this distrust.
                  1. Democratic Nations
                    1. United States
                      1. Australia
                        1. Britain
                      2. Communism
                        1. Terms and Names
                          1. The Red Tide
                            1. Reds
                              1. The red Menace
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