Folio Challenge 1 Mind Map


Year 11 Digital Technologies Mind Map on Folio Challenge 1 Mind Map, created by Rebbecca Stanley on 09/05/2022.
Rebbecca Stanley
Mind Map by Rebbecca Stanley, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebbecca Stanley
Created by Rebbecca Stanley over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Folio Challenge 1 Mind Map
  1. Available Resources
    1. eLearn
      1. Information about programming and assessment.
        1. Has links to how to program in Thonny, and the specific conditions of the folio task.
      2. Microsoft
        1. Microsoft word
          1. Writing the report and collecting information.
        2. Thonny
          1. Program software and arcade/random packages.
            1. This allows me to create my image for the first folio challenge using Python on Thonny.
        3. Ideas
          1. Electronic Globe Network
            1. The image will be of a globe in space with laptops and other devices connected all around it.
              1. This is the best option for the project because it's easy to achieve with functions in the amount of time and can be animated.
            2. Spider Web Network
              1. The image will be of a spider's web and a spider in the centre.
                1. This is not the best option for the project because it's quite simple and doesn't necessarily fit the theme of network.
              2. Computer Network
                1. The image will resemble the inside of a monitor or computer, with sparks connecting the different components.
                  1. This is not the best option for the project because it will be hard to visualise the electricity passing through the components, and will be complicated to recreate.
                2. Murder wall
                  1. The background will resemble a pin board, using rectangles and circles to create images and documents with pins to hold them in place. Red lines to connect the pins.
                    1. This is not the best option for the project, as it will take a long time to create images, documents and photos for the murder wall, and we only have a month.
                3. Prescribed Criteria
                  1. Use multiple colours
                    1. This will create an interesting look and style for the picture if matching palettes are used.
                      1. I will use lots of colours for the planets and devices, please see "colours" bubbles.
                    2. Create a coherent picture related to the STEM Video Games theme
                      1. The theme is networks, so the image must involve some sort of connection between different aspects of the image.
                        1. Networks will be used in my image through the connection of the electronic devices all around the globe.
                      2. Use multiple types of graphic functions (eg. Circles, rectangles,lines)
                        1. This is to create shapes that will make a picture.
                          1. I will use ellipses for stars and the globe, plus to create the details of the continents. Rectangles and lines will be used for the electronic devices, and arcs will be used to connect the devices.
                        2. Create three functions that draw something
                          1. Using functions will allow me to write the code for something once, then have the ability to repeat it efficiently.
                            1. I will use functions to recreate stars with ease, and also for multiple laptops/phones and other devices that surround the globe.
                          2. Animate at least one aspect of this drawing
                            1. Animating an aspect will cause it to move from a specific start position every time the project is run.
                              1. At least one star will be animated in my project, to create the effect of a shooting star.
                          3. Self-determined Criteria
                            1. Have different coloured stars.
                              1. This is to create a nicer looking background, and because it's randomised each time, it doesn't conclude in all stars looking exactly the same.
                                1. This will be achieved through two different for loops of stars, with different colours and different ranges to make sure they aren't the same size.
                              2. Have a gradient background in the image.
                                1. This also make the picture look nicer and more realistic as space isn't all jet black and a solid colour.
                                  1. This will be achieved by for loops repeating rectangles that change shade every time.
                              3. Context and Task
                                1. Context
                                  1. Australian Stem Video Game Challenge - annual competition for game designers.
                                    1. Competition for grades 5-12 to encourage students to code and pursue STEM Studies.
                                    2. Networks
                                      1. Definition
                                        1. A network is a group of things connected in some way
                                          1. Non-physical networks are made of connections between ideas and other non-physical things.
                                            1. Physical networks are the actual connections between real world objects
                                              1. • a tree contains a network of branches and roots • an integrated circuit contains a network of connected semiconductors • a town or city contains interconnected roads between particular destinations
                                          2. Categorical Ideas
                                            1. Communication
                                              1. Mathematical
                                                1. Neural
                                                  1. Biological and Chemical
                                                    1. Environmental
                                                      1. Flow
                                                        1. People
                                                      2. This year's Theme is NETWORKS.
                                                        1. Creative, engaging and fun responses - literal and direct/highly conceptual.
                                                      3. Task
                                                        1. Showcase your progress and show the development of your skills
                                                          1. Create two project solutions, one involving drawing skills and the other game-design skills.
                                                          2. Develop solutions to challenge, document the problem-solving process, explain planned and actual functionality of solution components with annotations, screenshots and a video.
                                                            1. Mind maps, algorithms, user interface design sketches, test plans and evaluations
                                                        2. Constraints/limitations
                                                          1. Time
                                                            1. Only a few weeks will be allowed for a draft folio to be completed.
                                                              1. In this time, both folio challenges need to be completed and a sufficient multimodal presentation needs to be completed.
                                                                1. This is a constraint due to the quality of the draft that will be submitted. With little time, there will be struggles to achieve a great standard or finish the draft.
                                                              2. Learning content
                                                                1. Although we have access to multiple resources and have learnt most of the content, the class will still be learning more programming that is essential for this challenge and the second during the time of working on our drafts.
                                                                  1. This could create issues in refining our skills creating a satisfactory challenge folio.
                                                                2. Programming software
                                                                  1. The only software available for use in Arcade, Thonny.
                                                                    1. This could be considered a constraint to create the challenges successfully if the only program to be used did not function correctly on the laptop or the user couldn't understand the type of programming.
                                                                3. Python
                                                                  1. Drawing Primitives
                                                                    1. Drawing primitives are functions or commands that draw shapes of the desired size, type and location set by the user.
                                                                      1. There are various drawing primitives but common ones are circles, squares, triangles, lines and dots (points).
                                                                        1. The primitives to be used in the challenge are ellipses for the globe, continents and stars, rectangles for the electronic devices and arcs and lines to connect the devices in a "network".
                                                                        2. There are also primitives that are only outlines, or just slightly different shapes. For example, there is a primitive that is an outline of an arc, but if the arc is filled, it can become a semi-circle. Or, ellipses are circles that can have different lengths and widths (so still able to make a circle), but a circle has the same parameters.
                                                                      2. Colours
                                                                        1. Palette
                                                                          1. The globe
                                                                            1. PUT THE PICTURES OF THE PALETTES HERE
                                                                          2. Background
                                                                            1. Because the image is in space, the background will be black (BLACK) and the stars will be white (WHITE)
                                                                            2. Foreground
                                                                              1. If the space/globe idea, then the foreground will encompass the colours of the globe (green, blue), and the laptop colours (silver and purple for the screen)
                                                                                1. CSS Color Package: ROYAL_BLUE, FOREST_GREEN, AO, BLUE_BONNET, CERULEAN_FROST, DARK_GRAY, EMINENCE
                                                                            3. Functions and Variables
                                                                              1. Function: a specific set of code that performs a specific task. This function can be called multiple times to run the code multiple times without needing to right it out again.
                                                                                1. An example in code is: def stars(). This function consists of the code that draws stars at random coordinates on the screen.
                                                                                2. Variables: a specific or symbolic name that is equivalent to an integer, or a string. Variables can be mentioned multiple times in place of a value, and can be easily changed, making it easier to change all values.
                                                                                  1. An example in code: window_width. This variable is set to the value that the pop-up window will be wide. It was inserted into the code for boundaries of the randomised stars.
                                                                                3. For loops and operators
                                                                                  1. For loops: a piece of code that repeats whatever is indented inside of it, removing difficulties of writing the code out again.
                                                                                    1. Example in code: repeating the number of stars drawn around 70 times.
                                                                                    2. Operators: symbols that designate computation and mathematics. They can be +, -, *, /,.
                                                                                      1. Example in code: any time that two variables needed to be added together, or when a point of reference was used and an object need to be drawn to that point (the laptops).
                                                                                  2. Functional Requirements
                                                                                    1. Definition: Things that aren't prescribed criteria but still necessary for the program.
                                                                                      1. Displays the correct drawing primitives to look like what it was supposed to.
                                                                                        1. The drawing must show a circle as the globe with continents drawn on, it must show laptops and phones connected on other sides of the world by arcs and lines.
                                                                                    2. Non-functional Requirements
                                                                                      1. Definition:Any aspects of the code that are not functional, e.g. aesthetics.
                                                                                        1. This will be the colour palette and anything that doesn't create the actual picture.
                                                                                      2. Input or ouput
                                                                                        1. Input
                                                                                          1. Input is any variables, values or data that the user enters into the program. This data can change the UI or looks of the program, or can create a specific output.
                                                                                            1. Examples for challenge: user can determine what colour the stars are, or type their name and can have it name displayed on the screen (this is output as well).
                                                                                              1. Because this challenge involves only Arcade Thonny drawing primitives, there is no use for any user input, thus non will be utilised.
                                                                                            2. Output
                                                                                              1. An output is something our software has given back to the user, something created because of the inputted values.
                                                                                                1. Examples for challenge: have their user INPUT how many stars they want, and the program OUTPUTS that number of stars.
                                                                                                  1. Because there will be no input in this challenge, there will be no "user modified" output either. The only screen output will be the images the code will render.
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