RoboCup Challenge: Assessment


Year 11 Digital Technologies Mind Map on RoboCup Challenge: Assessment, created by Rebbecca Stanley on 07/03/2022.
Rebbecca Stanley
Mind Map by Rebbecca Stanley, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebbecca Stanley
Created by Rebbecca Stanley almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

RoboCup Challenge: Assessment
  1. Analyse problem
    1. Context
      1. SpaceX - human colony on Mars
        1. Autonomous robots - data collection, support colonisation effort
          1. Path to follow, but some obstacles
            1. Move obstacles off path or navigate around
            2. Optional light and sound display once completed
              1. 4 weeks, no delays
              2. Analysis
                1. Need to use line follow code, immovable object code and movable object code
                  1. Must navigate from one green point to the other
                    1. Need to be able to identify objects and decide how to handle them to continue on path
                      1. "As quickly as possible": might have to decrease accuracy to achieve speed
                        1. "A pathway for the robots to follow": only one line to follow, until criss-cross intersection
                          1. Note: movable and immovable boxes don't change position on map
                      2. Ideas
                        1. Follow the path
                          1. Intersections
                            1. Use the green boxes to turn right whenever detected, then resume line follow. This is so the robot doesn't change direction if it misses the line
                            2. Corners
                              1. Rotate one wheel forward to turn until black line is spotted
                                1. May be too far away from line and keep spinning and not see anything, or accidentally spin too far and see black line and travel in opposite direction
                                  1. Easiest to turn corners, but only one way depending on spin direction
                                    1. SAMPLE CODE
                                    2. Rotate one wheel forward and one back at same time
                                      1. More distinctive turn, possibly more accurate
                                        1. SAMPLE CODE
                                          1. Could accidentally move to wrong side of line due to excessive turning and then go in wrong direction
                                        2. Black line
                                          1. Swerving line-follow
                                            1. Start on right side, turn left till see black, turn right again until see floor
                                              1. Need to identify PSI values for black line and floor
                                                1. Turn one motor (wheel) at a time to move forward progressively, or could rotate one wheel forward and the other back at same to for more defined turn
                                                  1. However, may not deal with intersections or corners well if the robot misses the line and flips directions
                                                    1. Possibly most efficient and fastest method, achieving criteria
                                                    2. SAMPLE CODE
                                                    3. Move forward on black line
                                                      1. Start with robot on black line, if it sees black, move forward until it doesn't see black, then rotate both directions until sees black again
                                                        1. Need to identify PSI values for black line and floor
                                                          1. For rotational black line check, would turn only one wheel to sweep and not jump over black line by accident. For moving forward, just rotate both wheels
                                                            1. Most accurate method, but really slow, higher chance of accomplishing intersections and corners, though could get stuck on really tight corners trying to find the black line
                                                            2. SAMPLE CODE
                                                        2. Avoid obstacles
                                                          1. Movable
                                                            1. Move forward into block and keep going until it moves
                                                              1. Might be inefficient if it doesn't get out of the way
                                                              2. Detect movable block (if it's the large one) and turn out to the side push it out of path the continue line following
                                                              3. Immovable
                                                                1. Reverse backwards, turn slightly and aim for box again to see if it misses, used ultrasonic sensor to navigate around box
                                                                  1. Could only half clear the box, miss and get stuck. Besides, ultrasonic sensor is on the front and won't be able to detect box on side
                                                                  2. Reverse backwards, turn, move forward, and navigate around block using precise measurements
                                                                    1. If the box measurements change, the code doesn'work
                                                              4. Robot Sensors
                                                                1. Ultrasonic
                                                                  1. Determines robot's distance away from obstacle
                                                                    1. Senses closest distance reading, gives value in centimetres. Used in navigating around spaces.
                                                                      1. The sensor sends out a frequency wave that's above human hearing. The wave is reflected back when it hits the target. The distance is measured by time between emission and reception.
                                                                    2. Colour/light
                                                                      1. Determines colour values by sensing reflection of light
                                                                        1. Determines PCT, which can be used to change robot actions. Used in line-follow.
                                                                          1. A PCT value in terms of EV3 robotics and programming means percent (%), as in value out of 100. To obtain a PCT value, the sensor emits light from a transmitter and detects the value of the light that is reflected back at the receiver.
                                                                        2. Touch
                                                                          1. Determines whether the robot has hit an obstacle or not. Used in obstacle moving.
                                                                            1. The button on the sensor is either depressed, giving a value of 1, or not depressed, giving a value of 0. These values can be used as variables to adapt code
                                                                              1. The touch sensor works like an electrical switch. When there's contact, it opens the circuit and allows electrical current flow.
                                                                          2. Available Resources
                                                                            1. eLearn
                                                                              1. Information about robot and assessment
                                                                                1. Learn how to make algorithms, flowcharts and pseudocode
                                                                                  1. Learn how to code and build robots
                                                                                2. Microsoft Tools
                                                                                  1. Microsoft Word
                                                                                    1. Writing assessment and analysing data
                                                                                  2. EV3
                                                                                    1. Programming software
                                                                                      1. Used to code robot to complete challenge
                                                                                      2. Website
                                                                                        1. Used to find correct robot build and learn how to use software
                                                                                    2. Non-functional requirements
                                                                                      1. Things that aren't necessary to completing the code, like aesthetics
                                                                                        1. Self-determine criteria: celebratory dance
                                                                                          1. Visual and sound: light and screen display with robot turning and moving in dance
                                                                                      2. Functional Requirements
                                                                                        1. Robot travels around map
                                                                                          1. Use specific functions to decide how to move around
                                                                                            1. Line-follow
                                                                                              1. Right turn
                                                                                                1. Left turn
                                                                                              2. Robot is able to determine best solution for obstacles and complete solution
                                                                                                1. Movable
                                                                                                  1. Push box out of the way and resume path
                                                                                                  2. Immovable
                                                                                                    1. Run into box then navigate around it
                                                                                                2. Constraints/limitations
                                                                                                  1. The map
                                                                                                    1. The map route doesn't change
                                                                                                      1. Can't make an easier way to reach boxes and follow the line
                                                                                                    2. Robot build
                                                                                                      1. The colour sensor is permanently on one side of robot
                                                                                                        1. May be inefficient to constantly have to change line-follow code, given the direction the robot turns to reach line
                                                                                                      2. Time
                                                                                                        1. 3 hours maximum of coding time per week
                                                                                                          1. Have to only use class time, due to lack of resources, can't work on robot code from home
                                                                                                      3. Prescribed Criteria
                                                                                                        1. This is the criteria listed in the task sheet
                                                                                                          1. Follow the path
                                                                                                            1. Use colour sensors to navigate around the map: forward, left and right
                                                                                                            2. Detect and navigate around immovable objects
                                                                                                              1. Determine what an immovable object is using touch and ultrasonic sensors, then work out how to move around them and resume on the path
                                                                                                              2. Detect and clear the movable objects from the path
                                                                                                                1. Determine the movable object with touch and ultrasonic sensors then work out how to move around them and push them off the path efficient before resuming line-follow code
                                                                                                            3. Self-determined criteria
                                                                                                              1. Celebratory Dance once the robot has finished moving the movable box
                                                                                                                1. Visual
                                                                                                                  1. Robot display a face on screen, arm motor move up and down, spin in circles, rotate each wheel forward and back twice
                                                                                                                  2. Sound
                                                                                                                    1. play a tune using sound blocks, have the robot play one of the pre-created audio tracks
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