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Carbon Cycling
Biology 4.3 Mind map
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Resource summary
Carbon Cycling
1. Carbon Fixation
Autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and other carbon compounds
Autotrophs absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into: Carbohydrates, Lipids and other organic compounds
This reduces the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere
The mean CO2 concentration is currently 0.039% in the atmosphere
This is different in areas with higher rates of photosynthesis
2. Carbon Dioxide in Solution
In aquatic habitats carbon dioxide is present as a dissolved gas and hyrdogen carbonate ions
Carbon dioxide is soluble in water
It can remain as a dissolved gas or combine with water to form carbonic acid
It can dissociate to form hydrogen and hydrogen carbonate ions
Lowering the pH of the water
Both dissolved carbon dioxide and hydrogen carbonate ions are absorbed by aquatic plants and other autotrophs in water
3. Absorption of Carbon Dioxde
Carbon dioxide diffuses from the atmosphere into autotrophs
Autotrophs use carbon dioxide in production of carbon compounds seen through photosynthesis
This reduces the CO2 concentration in autotrophs and sets up a concentration gradient
This gradient is between the cell and air or water surrounding it
Carbon dioxide diffuses from atmosphere or H2O into autotrophs
In land plants with leaves diffusion occurs through the stomata on the underside of the leaf
In aquatic plants the entire surface of leaves and stems are permeable to CO2
Diffusion can occur in any part of aquatic plants
4. Release of Carbon Dioxide form Cellular Respiration
Carbon Dioxide is produced by respiration and diffuses out of organisms into water or the atmosphere
Carbon Dioxide is a waste product of respiration (Aerobic)
It is produced in all cells that carry out respiration
This can be grouped by tropic levels: Animal cells, Non-photosynthetic cells in plants and Saprotrophs
Carbon dioxide produced by respiration diffuses out of cells and passes into the atmosphere or water surrounding the organism
5. Methanogenesis
Methane is produced from organic matter in anaerobic conditions by methanogenic archaens
Some methane diffuses into the atmosphere
The volta collected bubbles of gas emerging from mud in a reed bed on the margins of lake maggiore Italy
The gas was inflammable
Volta had discovered methane but did not name it
It is produced in anaerobic environments, it is a waste product of a type of anaerobic respiration
3 groups of anaerobic prokaryotes are involved
Bacteria that converts organic matter into a mixture of organic acids, alcohol, hydrogen and CO2
Bacteria that use the organic acids and alcohol to produce acetate, carbon dioxide and hydrogen
Archaens that produce methane from carbon dioxide, hydrogen and acetate by 2 chemical reactions
CO2 + 4H2----> CH4 +2H2O
Carry out methanogenesis in anaerobic environments including: Mud along river beds, Swamps, guts of dead animal matter etc
Some of the methane is diffused into the atmosphere thus it cannot escape and is burned as fuel
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