intro to ecology


chapter 52
Kahlen Ng
Mind Map by Kahlen Ng, updated more than 1 year ago
Kahlen Ng
Created by Kahlen Ng over 9 years ago

Resource summary

intro to ecology
  1. Organismal ecology
    1. Population ecology
      1. Community ecology
        1. what determines the distribution and abundance of organism?
          1. abiotic factors
            1. temperature, precipitation, soil etc
              1. global climate patterns
                1. temperature
                  1. equator is hot; poles is cold
                  2. precipitation
                    1. Hadley cells
                      1. rain shadow effects due to mountain and oceans
                    2. seasonality
                2. biotic factors
                  1. parasites, competition, symbiotic, predation etc
                  2. past and present abiotic and biotic factors interact
                    1. determine how global climate patterns influence biomes
                      1. Terrestrial biomes
                        1. Tropical wet forests
                          1. high species diversity
                          2. Subtropical deserts
                            1. slow growth
                            2. Temperate
                              1. forests
                                1. seasonal growth
                                2. grassland
                                  1. seasonal growth
                                3. Boreal forests (taiga) ; north canada..
                                  1. low productivity, high biomass
                                  2. Arctic tundra (permafrost)
                                    1. northen hemisphere arctic region
                                      1. low productivity
                                  3. Aquatic biomes
                                    1. Salinity
                                      1. Water depth
                                        1. wavelength
                                          1. photosynthesis
                                        2. Water turbidity
                                          1. cloudiness
                                          2. Water flow
                                            1. ocean upwelling
                                              1. lake turnover
                                              2. freshwater biomes
                                                1. lake, ponds
                                                  1. wetlands
                                                    1. streams ( creek, river)
                                                    2. ocean biomess
                                                      1. Estuary
                                                    3. influence present patterns
                                                      1. dispersal ability
                                                        1. wallace line
                                                      2. influenced by human activities
                                                        1. transport new species (exotic species which is non-native) to new location
                                                          1. one who is invasive would eliminates natives
                                                            1. (competes w/ native, prey on native, bring pathogens to native)
                                                    4. Ecosystem ecology
                                                      1. Global ecology
                                                        1. the levels of ecological study
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