The Nervous System


Biopsychology - The Nervous System
Jenny Carey
Mind Map by Jenny Carey, updated more than 1 year ago
Jenny Carey
Created by Jenny Carey over 4 years ago

Resource summary

The Nervous System
  1. The Nervous system is a network of nerve cells and fibres which transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body to regulate behaviour in response to the environment.
    1. Central Nervous System (CNS)
      1. Made up of the Brain and Spinal Cord
        1. It is the origin of all complex commands and decisions
          1. It is the central processing unit (using the computer model)
          2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
            1. Automatic Nervous System (ANS)
              1. Sympathetic Nervous System
                1. Arouses the body.
                  1. Known as the 'fight and flight' response
                    1. Effects on the body
                      1. Increase in glucose production
                        1. Pupils dilate to allow more light in to see far away
                          1. Saliva production inhibited
                            1. Breathing rate increases. More oxygen to muscles
                              1. Blood flow diverted from skin to muscles
                                1. Heart rate increases
                                  1. Blood flow away from digestive organs
                                2. Parasympathetic Nervous System
                                  1. Relaxes the body.
                                    1. Known as the ' rest and digest' response
                                      1. Effects on the body
                                        1. Pupils Dilate
                                          1. Release of bile
                                            1. Decrease in glucose conversion
                                              1. Peristalsis stimulated
                                                1. Saliva production stimulated
                                                  1. Breathing rate decreases
                                                    1. Heart rate decreases
                                                      1. Blood diverted to digestive system
                                                    2. Transmits info to and from the CNS
                                                      1. 'autonomic' because it operates involuntarily
                                                      2. Somatic Nervous System (SNS)
                                                        1. Transmits info to the CNS and it receives info from the CNS to control voluntary muscle movement.
                                                          1. Connects the CNS and the senses.
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