

rebecca tan
Mind Map by rebecca tan, updated more than 1 year ago
rebecca tan
Created by rebecca tan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Reasons for british intervention
    1. Economic
      1. Need for raw materials
        1. Tin
          1. >Canning industry was becoming very profitable in europe. >Discovery of large tin deposits in the malay states provided the british with opportunities for greater profits. >Extending control over these states will enmsure a steady supply of tin.
          2. Rubber
            1. >When the automobile industry began to grow, worldwide demand for rubber rose. >British had to take control over the interior of the malay peninsula as it became a major rubber producer for the world.
          3. Need for new markets
            1. >Needed new markets to sell mass-produce goods they had manufactured from british factories.
            2. Need for new bases
              1. >Opening of suez canal (1969) brought more europeans into asia faster. >Needed to secure more bases to strengthen foothold over trade in asia (especially against piracy in the straits of meleka.
            3. Political
              1. To build the british empire
                1. >Because of the threat they faced from the other european powers. >British wanted to maintain a competitive edge over the european rivals (Dutch, Germans) by building an overseas empire.
              2. Social
                1. Need for social stability
                  1. British had to intervene to keep peace for trade.
                    1. Wars among tin miners.
                      1. The fiercest rivalry occurred between the Ghee Hins (mostly cantonese & Hokkiens) & the Hai sans (mostly hakkas) while working on tin mines of Larut in north perak.
                      2. Succession disputes
                        1. Caused tensions & conflicts that drove the state into chaos. (Eg. In perak, sultan ali died in 1871, there was no clear successor & 3 claimants fought to take the throne.
                    2. Desire of merchants, businessmen & local officials for british intervention
                      1. >They appealed to the british for intervention as they wanted law & order in order to carry out business in a stable & safe environment. (Eg. The 'man on the spot' in this case was Sir andrew clarke)
                  2. Responses
                    1. Impact
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