San Ignacio de Loyola


Andrea Michelle Lopez Lopez 8th section A code 20 28/7/2020
Andrea Michelle Lopez Lopez
Mind Map by Andrea Michelle Lopez Lopez, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Michelle Lopez Lopez
Created by Andrea Michelle Lopez Lopez about 4 years ago

Resource summary

San Ignacio de Loyola
  1. parents
    1. marina saenz de licona y balda
      1. She was the daughter and granddaughter of Biscays.
      2. beltran ibañez de oñaz y loyola
        1. he was a knight with great military gifts and served the Catholic kings.
      3. introduction: The family of San Ignacio is of great mystery since not much is known about it and only some data are those that were made public.
        1. brothers
          1. 8 boys
            1. 3 girls
              1. San Ignacio was the youngest of his brothers.
                1. his older brother was called Martin Garcia
                2. grandparents
                  1. juan perez de Loyola
                    1. died without having time to test.
                    2. sancha perez de iraeta
                      1. died in 1439
                      2. martin garcia de licona
                        1. he was a doctor
                      3. reflection: Many of us had the idea that the life of Saint Ignatius or his family was easy, but it was not so. He had problems achieving what he wanted and with this work I realized that.
                        1. i relate to my life: That life or rather the family of San Ignacio is not perfect and I relate it that way to my life because my family is not perfect either, as there are all the problems, but nothing that cannot be solved.
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