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Klein (1997)
Study of the effects of relative or absolute feedback- relative feedback has much more influence and shows how our self perception could potentially be formed by comparison of others- social comparison theory (festinger 1954)
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Mind Map by
Cristelle Spaulding
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Cristelle Spaulding
about 5 years ago
Resource summary
Klein (1997)
Procedure 1
Asked ppts to discriminate between pictures of different aesthetic value
Ppts then given absolute or relative feedback on their performance
This study assumed that people prefer relative feedback rather than absolute feedback
Findings 1
People told that they were getting many questions right but were still 20% lower than average saw themselves as less capable
People who were told that they werent getting many questions right but where achieving 20% above average saw themselves as more capable
Procedure 2- follow up study
Used same ppts, they had the chance to either take a quiz or spin a wheel to win a prize. The wheel gave you a 50% chance
Findings 2- follow up study
Those told they were getting many right but 20% lower than average went for the chance as they didnt think they could achieve 50% in the quiz
Those told they were getting many wrong but 20% above average chose the quiz (even though they were getting under 50%)
Shows how comparative feedback is much more influential than absolute feedback
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