What Is Management About? (Section 6)


Mind Map on What Is Management About? (Section 6), created by tracywallach on 10/09/2013.
Mind Map by tracywallach, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tracywallach almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

What Is Management About? (Section 6)
  1. Focusing on the Task
    1. Checkpoints
    2. Organization
      1. Self
        1. Staff
          1. Employees
          2. Work
            1. Time
              1. Time management
              1. synergy
              2. Company Goal
                1. measurable
                2. Budget
                  1. Procurement
                    1. Negotiating
                    2. Forecasting
                      1. Analyzing
                        1. Reporting
                      2. Financial Management
                      3. Taking charge
                          1. Confidence
                          2. Quality/ Improving the company
                            1. Brainstorming
                              1. Exceeding Expectations
                                1. Continuous improvement
                                  1. Customer Feedback
                                    1. training
                                2. Leadership
                                  1. Guidance
                                    1. Goal Setting
                                      1. Prioritizing
                                        1. Time Management
                                    2. Information and Change
                                      1. Understanding
                                        1. Processing Change: Can you adapt and adjust?
                                          1. Ideas
                                            1. Teamwork
                                            2. Shared Success
                                          2. Anxiety
                                            1. Handling anxiety in self and for peers
                                              1. All of us
                                            2. Motivation
                                              1. Communication
                                                1. Constructive Criticism
                                                  1. Listening
                                                  2. Set Realistic Goals
                                              2. Decision Making
                                                1. Analyzing
                                                  1. Collecting Data
                                                  2. Weighing pros and cons
                                                    1. Risk Management
                                                      1. Impacts
                                                    2. Supporting and Empowering Others
                                                        1. Allocating Resources
                                                          1. Seeing the big picture (Vision)
                                                            1. Share vision amongst departments
                                                            2. Sustainability
                                                              1. Enter text here
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