Eyewitness testimony: Anxiety


Mind Map on Eyewitness testimony: Anxiety, created by molly Rutter on 18/04/2018.
molly Rutter
Mind Map by molly Rutter , updated more than 1 year ago
molly Rutter
Created by molly Rutter over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Eyewitness testimony: Anxiety
  1. Evaluation
    1. Field study’s lack control, more prone to extraneous variables E.G post event discussions
    2. Case study’s
      1. Johnson and Scott
        1. Findings: the participants that witnessed the man holding a knife had poor recall due to their high anxiety levels
          1. Procedure: Participants heard an argument whilst waiting in a waiting area, then witnessed a man walking through with either a knife (high anxiety condition) or a pen ( low anxiety condition.
          2. Yuille and Cutshall
            1. Procedure: interviews witnesses of a real life robbery
              1. Findings: those participants who experienced the most stress had the most accurate recall 5 months later
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