life in the trenches


history yr 9 Mind Map on life in the trenches, created by emily97 on 01/06/2013.
Mind Map by emily97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emily97 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

life in the trenches
  1. rats
    1. shell shock
      1. trench foot
        1. difficult to clear water when it rained
          1. lice
            1. equipped with decent weapons
              1. rarely had hot food because was cold
                1. stretchers go to no mans land
                  1. received tweets from home
                    1. boring
                      1. some drowned because of all the mud
                        1. bread and biscuits and water mainly
                          1. officers had better meals
                            1. disease spread quickly
                              1. infection if not treated
                                1. more people died of disease than in battle
                                  1. barbed wire
                                    1. different lines
                                      1. German's main focus was defence when building their trenches
                                        1. night patrols
                                          1. inspections carried out by officers daily
                                            1. were not equipped with good helmets, soft and no protection
                                              1. heavy boots
                                                1. GAS!
                                                  1. rifles with bayonets
                                                    1. rifle, sniper, machine-gun, shells were main weapons
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