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Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development
Psychology Mind Map on Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development, created by Cameron Langfield on 01/06/2013.
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Mind Map by
Cameron Langfield
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Cameron Langfield
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development
The Oral Stage:
Erogenous zone: mouth
Age Range: birth to 1yr
What's happening? Weaning from bottle/breast, putting in objects in mouth
“Fixation”: for over/under indulgence
Over-indulgent: optimism, admiration of others, gullibility, dependent on other
Under-indulgent: pessimism, envy, sarcasm, habitual oral stimulation (gum-chewing, smoking, talking, drinking)
The Anal Stage
Erogenous zone: anus
Age range: 1-3 yrs
potty training; controlling bowels; power struggle w/ parents
making a mess or holding it in
Under-indulgent: anal expulsive (messy)
Over-indulgent: anal retentive (clean)
The Phallic Stage
Erogenous zone: genitallia
Age range: 4-6 yrs
the difference between boy’s and girls identity; “Mama’s Boy” “Daddy’s Girl”
Oedipus Complex- Castration Anxiety
jealously for the same-sex parent (losing penis)
Electra Complex- Penis Envy
girls realize boys have an “extra” thing that they don’t have- they are jealous of the boy’s penis
Suppressed memories & identification with same-sex parent
Fixation: arrogance, recklessness and failed relationships in adulthood
Freud states that everyone has three sides to our EGO
ME: The one who interacts with the world
Super Ego: morals
Instincts: our primal urges (ID= Internal Desires)
The Latency Stage
Erogenous zone: none!!
Age range: 6-12 (until puberty)
focus on school, friends (same-ex relationships), hobbies, skills and interests
No sex drive ("suppressed libido")
No fixation!! NOTHING!!!
The Genital Stage
Erogenous Zone: genitals
Age range: 12 (puberty) -????
heterosexual relationships; intimacy
Libido's Back!!!
Sexual Experimentation
Establishment and maintenance of healthy relationships.
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