Evaluation of Freud's Theories and the Psychodynamic Approach


Psychology (Psychodynamic) Mind Map on Evaluation of Freud's Theories and the Psychodynamic Approach, created by aidenwh on 26/05/2013.
Mind Map by aidenwh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aidenwh almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Evaluation of Freud's Theories and the Psychodynamic Approach
  1. Research For
    1. The case study of Little Hans showed that his fear of horses was due to the Oedipus conflict
      1. The study of Anna O, through acknowledging a repressed memory of a dog licking a glass she recovered from being unable to drink
        1. Strengths of the research
          1. Validity
            1. His theory was built on valid data, focusing on each individual
              1. Freud generated his theory from in-depth case studies in which he looked at many aspects of a person's background and mental state
            2. Weaknesses of the research
              1. Generalisability
                1. Freud's sample tended to be neurotic, middle class Austrian ladies
                  1. Data acquired through case studies
                    1. The theory is about early childhood, yet the evidence rarely came from children
                    2. Subjectivity
                      1. Freud used: Free association, dream analysis and slips of the tongue. These methods require interpretation so they can be wrong
                      2. Unreliable and Unscientific
                        1. The concepts are not measurable and cannot easily be tested (e.g. unconscious and id)
                    3. Application
                      1. Freud's new ideas about treating mental illness provided solutions at the time were otherwise unavailable. Psychoanalysis addressed neurosis through talking, whereas previous treatments were barbaric e.g. Spinning chair and Crib
                        1. The Tavistock Clinic is widely known for its therapies and there are many people in the UK and USA, and elsewhere, who are psychoanalysts or who are undergoing psychoanalysis
                        2. Research Against
                          1. According to Freud, gay parents or single parents should affect the sexual orientation of their children - but this is not the case
                            1. Malinowski studied the Trobriand Islanders where boys are not brought up by their fathers. This should mean they do not resolve their Oedipus complex as the family structure is different. However the boys do develop normally and have heterosexual sexual orientation
                            2. Freud's theory stops at adolescence and doesn't explain development in adulthood
                            3. Alternative Theories
                              1. Erikson's Theory
                                1. We carry on developing into old age
                                2. Biological Theory
                                  1. Explains development differently using the concepts of genes, hormones and brain laterilisation
                                  2. Social Learning
                                    1. Theory explains development differently, using observational learning
                                  3. Socially Sensitive
                                    1. The idea that children experience sexual development and are attracted to their opposite sex parent is very controversial
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