growth of Nazi support


History (The rise of the Nazis) Mind Map on growth of Nazi support, created by karansoni_94 on 23/05/2013.
Mind Map by karansoni_94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by karansoni_94 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

growth of Nazi support
  1. The economic and political crisis meant the Nazis became more popular. Members were also attracted to organisations such as Hitler Youth and SA


    • Nazi votes - Reichstag elections 1928- 2.6% - 12 seats 1930- 18.3% - 107 seats 1932- 37.3% - 230 seats
    1. Demographics on Nazi Voters + Members
      1. More people voted than members
        1. Members more likely to be young and male. Party did not encourage female participation
          1. Women more likely to vote
            1. Working class more likely to vote Nazi's
      2. Impact of propaganda
        1. Different propaganda in different areas
          1. Messages about bread and work in working class areas
            1. Messages about Weimars low moral standard tailored to conservative women
              1. Anti-Semitic messages to small shopkeepers
              2. DNVP leader alfred Hugenberg put his media empire at service of Nazi propagandists
                1. should be noted that vote increased even in areas propaganda was not targeted
                  1. THE HITLER MYTH!
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