mapa mental Juego Gerencial


juego gerencial
Leanis María Díaz Morelo
Mind Map by Leanis María Díaz Morelo, updated more than 1 year ago
Leanis María Díaz Morelo
Created by Leanis María Díaz Morelo over 1 year ago

Resource summary

mapa mental Juego Gerencial
  1. Unit 1
    1. Develops topics of strategic analysis and business decision making
      1. Strategic finance and value creation, mechanisms that create value
        1. investments to maintain and improve competitiveness in the market
        2. Strategic Management: Tools for Decision Making in Organizations.
          1. Strategic management directs the company to stay in the present and the future
          2. Evaluation of financial indicators.
            1. Short and long term decision making.
              1. Decision making in the organization.
            2. Unit 2
              1. Business management tools to achieve the objectives of the organization
                1. Analysis of the Joint Venture Contract and its financing mechanisms.
                  1. Benchmarking as a competitive strategy for MSMEs (Microenterprises).
                    1. The Balanced Scorecard as an efficiency tool in Business Management.
                      1. The Balanced Scorecard as an efficiency tool in Business Management.
                    2. Unit 3
                      1. Topics will be developed for the identification and development of the main management skills for business decision making
                        1. Management skills: skills, knowledge, aptitudes.
                          1. Coaching handbook
                            1. Management skills: development of skills, competencies and attitude. Main managerial skills.
                              1. Management skills: development of skills, competencies and attitude. Coaching
                                1. Directive skills.
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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