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ESL Approaches and Methods
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esl approaches & methods
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
ESL Approaches and Methods
Grammar Based
structure-based deductive
Grammar Based Approach
explicit grammar/rule based instruction
consistent error correction
memorization of grammar, rules, and vocabulary
practice use of grammar, rules, and vocabulary
teacher centered
used to be predominant teaching approach
Grammar-Translation Method
language rules presented
memorization of vocabulary
practice of rules and vocabulary through written text
focused on grammar accuracy
replaced by direct method
Direct Method
focused on repetition and memorization of language patterns
inferred grammar through guided instruction
teacher modeled/student practiced to internalize patterns
taught in context, use of somevisual aids
translating in students 1st language was a no no
Audiolingual Method
reinforced production and error correction through feedback
development of grammatical structure and vocabulary through practice
practice of pattern drills and dialougue
knowing structure of language instead how to use langauge
ineffective approach
meaning-based inductive
learner interacts with environment
learner gathers comprehensible input
comprehensible input is put with newly presented material (ZPD)
self created language hypotheses are tested
language acquisition occurs
research/theory based
language is acquired through use of language in meaningful communication and experiences
social constructivisism
born with LAD, understanding of universal grammar
student centered
teachers provide language rich environment to foster language acquisition rather than error correction
Earlier Methods
silent way
learner is presented with linguistic situations
learner observes situation
learner describes situation in target language
teacher remains silent, encouraging learner to engage in communication
natural way
teacher creates comprehensible language to meet the ZPD of learners
comprehension outweighs production
language production comes in stages
language goals guide instruction
activities should lower affective filter
foundation for sheltered method instruction
teacher creates relaxing environment (music)
learner reads in 1st language
teacher replaces 1st language text with target language and visual aids
learners use scaffolding techniques to make sense of target language
criticized as memorization
Contemporary Methods
integrated content-based
curriculum is based on learners academic and linguistic needs
teaching across curriculum while emphasizing content and language objectives
sheltered instruction
integrates both content and language objectives in lesson
content is grade level with many scaffolding strategies used providing comprehensible input
widely implemented
30 indicators of best practices
meaning-based inductive
structure and nature
lead to development of CALLA
types of knowledge
declarative knowledge = schemata = prior knowledge
procedural knowledge = production system = if/then
conditional knowledge = schemata = when, why, where
metacognitive knowledge = higher order thinking = acquired knowledge
long-term, short-term, & working memory
memory used to hold information to make sense of presented material
enriches language
appropriate for all levels of proficiency
3 major components
topics about domain content areas
development of CALP
explicit instruction
extensive contextual support & reduced linguistic demands
targets content/language acquistion & all 4 literacy domains
student centered
Media attachments
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efbb2f76-41f3-4666-877a-7065dec0d397 (image/jpg)
5dd5405e-f5f7-48dd-abfd-126640e341fc.JPG (image/JPG)
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02b4e1b6-41ac-48bf-8825-32bcbe35290c (image/jpg)
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