Psychoanalytic Theory - Freud


Notes for Quiz 1 in OTA course Psch Social Dysfunction
Robin Decker
Flowchart by Robin Decker, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Created by Robin Decker over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Object Relations Theory
  • Psychoanalytic theory based on Sigmund Freud & Colleagues
  • Mental health/illness determined by our relationships with OBJECTS (human/non-human) & ENVIRONMENT
  • Freud
  • Work led to "Talking Cure" Started w/hypnosis, then free association, then dream interpretation
  • 2 Basic Drives 1. Sexuality or life drive 2. Agression or death drive
  • 3 Parts of Mind 1. Id - Instinctual Needs ;Pleasure Principle; Wants what is wants NOW. 2. Ego - Reality Principle;Helps w/conflicts  of Id and Superego 3. Superego - Represents Conscience (ethics/morals); If not followed, can cause guilt, shame & anxiety
  • 5 stages of development: 1.oral- (birth to 18 months) focus: oral pleasure, sucking & biting favorite activity; crisis: weaning 2.anal- (18mo-3/4yrs) focus of pleasure: anus, holding & letting go are greatly enjoyed; crisis: toilet training 3.phallic- (3/4-5/6/7yrs) focus of pleasure: genitalia; crisis: Oedipus complex 4.latent- (5/6/7-puberty/12yrs) believed that sexual impulses were suppressed in the service of learning 5. genital- (begins at puberty) represents resurgence of sex drive; focus of pleasure: sexual intercourse  
  •        Purpose: To protect the mind/self/ego    from anxiety, social sanctions or to    provide a refuge from a situation with    which one cannot currently cope.                     Repression                   Denial                   Projection                           Rationalization                   Conversion                                  Regression                      Undoing                                       Idealization                   Identification                               Sublimation                   Substitution                               Displacement                    Compensation                            
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