Anatomy : Lower Limb Joints


articulations, movements, ligaments, blood supply, and nerve supply to the main lower limb joints
Flashcards by rhyannehancock, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rhyannehancock over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What type of joint is the hip ? Synovial ball and socket
What bones articulate within the hip joint ? Head of Femur with the acetabulum of the Innominate labrum
What movements occur at the hip ? flexion / extension abduction/ adduction medial/lateral rotationn
Which ligaments attach onto the hip joint ? Iliofemoral Pubofemoral Ischiofemoral Ligamentum teres Transverse ligament of Accetbulum
Which are the main blood vessels supplying the hip joint Medial/lateral Femoral arteries Obuturator Artery Superior/Inferior Gluteal arteries
Which are the main nerves and their root values within the hip joint ? Lumbar plexus : Femoral nerve Obturator nerve (Root value L2-L4) Sacral plexus : Superior gluteal nerve (Root value L4-L5)
What type of joint is the knee ? Synovial Bicondylar hinge joint
What bones articulate within the knee joint ? Condyles of the femur and tibia Posterior surface of patella with patella surface of femoral condyles
What movements occur at the knee joint ? Flexion/ extension medial/lateral rotation
Which ligaments attach to the knee joint ? anterior/ posterior crusiate ligament Medial/ lateral meniscus Transverse ligament Coronary
Which blood vessels supply the knee joint ? Superior Medial/Lateral genicular arteries Inferior medial/lateral genicular arteries Descending genicular artery Recurrent branch of anterior tibial artery
Which are the main nerves and their root values within the knee joint ? Femoral nerve (root values L2-L4) Obturator nerve ( root values L2-L4) Sciatic nerve (root values L4-S3)
What type of joint is the ankle ? Synovial hinge joint
What bones articulate in the knee joint ? Distal end of tibia and inner surfaces of medal/lateral malleoli with trochlear surface and sides of talus
Which ligaments attach at the ankle joint? Deltoid ligament Lateral collateral ligament Anterior/posterior talofibular Calcaneofibular Capsular anterior/ posterior
What movement occur at the ankle? Dorsiflexion Plantarflexion
Which are the main blood vessels supplying the ankle joint? Malleolar branches of : Tibial artery fibular (peroneal )artery posterior tibial artery
Which are the main nerves and their root values within the ankle joint ? Tibial nerve (root values L4-5, S1-S3) Fibular (peroneal) nerve (root values L4-5, S1-S3)
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