Basics of ID and P and Culture


207 Individual Differences Flashcards on Basics of ID and P and Culture, created by Dooney on 17/05/2013.
Flashcards by Dooney, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Dooney almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did Masuda and Nisbett find in regard to attention and describing a picture in American and Japanese participants? American more likely to mention object in picture in first statement, Japenese 70% more likely to mention background, surroundings first too
What were the results of Miller (1984)? When children, US and Indian same attributions, when older, US more individualism, and Indian more situational
What did Morris and Peng (1995) find? Americans explained murder in terms of negative dispostional traits, Chinese situation factors.
What did Peng and Nisbett (1999) find in terms of Americans? Americans judged a proposition more plausable when presented with a contradiction than when they judge the more plausible assertion itself, pressure to solve contridictions
What did Peng and Nisbett (1999) find in terms of Chinese? Found less plausible proposition to have more merit when it had been contradicted than not.
Who did a meta-analysis of replications of Asch, across different cultures? Bond and Smith (1996)
With regard to Hofested, what did Bond and Smith (1996) find? Negative relationship between individualism and conformity
Who found a negative relationship between conformity and affective and intellectual autonomy? Schwartz (1994)
As well as finding a negative relationship between individualism and conformity, who found a positive relationship between achievement ascription and conformity? Trompenears (1993)
In general, what did Bond and Smith (1996) find accounted for most of the variance? Cultural factors
What are the three limitations of Bond and Smith (1996)? Cultural measures from surveys of populations over participants, countries are not culturally homogeneous, can be multiple within, concept of conformity might not be cross-cultaully applicable
Who conducted a meta-analysis of attribution studies, finding huge cultural variations, such as self-serving attribution bias higher in Western nations? Mezulis et al. (2004)
What was the variations seen in Asian nations in Melzuis et al. (2004)? Little or no bias in Japanese and Pacific Islanders, moderate in Indian samples, and large in Chinese and Korean (similar to US)
Aronson et al. (1994) is in line with... Independent and interdependent selves
Who created independent and interdependent selves? Markus and Kitayama (1994)
What type of cultures is independent self and what is it? Individualistic, and individual uniqueness, autonomy and agency are valued self-conceived of unique configuration of personality trait characteristics.
What culture is interdependent self and what is it? Collective, and self is allocated within network of social relationships, individual agency and autonomy are secondary.
What are Hofstede's (2001) five dimensions of culture? Power distance, collectivism-individualism, masculinity-femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term vs short term orinetation
What are the components of McAdams and Pals' (2006)integrative model of personality? Dispostional signature (traits), evolutionary pressures, life narratives (experience), culture, characteristic adaptions (individual motivators)
What is the problem with the integrative model of personality? It's hard to test due to having many factors
What is the high and low point of the scale power distance? High autocratic, low consensual
What is the characteristics of masculinity against femininity of culture? M; assertive,competitive. F; quality of life
What is the process link of Nisbett's thinking as universal over malleable?
What is the strategy of nomothetic approach? To focus on similarities between groups of individuals who are only unique in terms of their trait combinations.
The nomothetic approach tends to use what research methodology and data collection methods? Quantitative, with data from self-report personality questionaires
Research from the nomothetic approach tries to what? To produce measures of personality to study structure of personality, explore the relationship between variables across groups
What is the advantage and disadvantage of the nomothetic approach? Discovers general principles which have predictive functions, but disadvantage is it can lead to superficial understanding of personality of one person. Training needed for accurate analysis
What are the key types of personality theories? Psychoanalytic (unconscious motives), behaviorism (learned responses), cognitive (internal processes), humanistic (motivation and self-discovery)
What is the basic criteria a theory of personality should satisfy? Description, explanation, empirical validity, testable concepts, comprehensiveness, parsimony, heuristic value, applied value
Who found different rates between different types of helping behaviour all over the world? Levine et al. (2001)
What did Hsu (1985) say about personality? Concept of personality is an expression of Western individualism
What did Church (2001) find about the big five across different cultures? Universality, similar distributions, and support lexical hypothesis of this.
What are problem questioned the results of Chruch (2001), and how was it overcome? Do the western instruments impose their own structure in a new cultural context? It was found indigenous measures overlap closely with big five
Who conducted a study to examine relationship between nationalism and personality? McCrae and Terracciano (2006)
What was the results of McCrae and Terracciano (2006)? Correlation between big five measures with subjective ratings of national characteristics, but generally poor. Some positive and some negative.
Which were three of the countries that had negative correlations between subjective ratings of national character and the national characteristics survey in McCrae and Terracciano? Britain, Denmark, Belgium
Which were three of the countries that had positive correlations between subjective ratings of national character and the national characteristics survey in McCrae and Terracciano? Poland, Lebanon, Australia
What is the problem with the national characteristics studies? Has reliability but not validity
What is the dictionary definition of personality? The combination of characteristics or qualities which form an individual's distinctive character
What is Allport's (1961) definition of personality? A dynamic organisation inside the person, of psychophysical systems which create the person's characteristic patterns of behaviour, thought and feelings
What are the six aims of studying personality? Motivational basis of behaviour, catergorising behaviour, measuring personality, developmental theories, hertiability/enviroment, understand mental illness/adnormal behaviour
What is Idiographic approach strategy? To emphasize the uniqueness of individuals, with goal of understanding individuals.
What research methodology and data collection methods, does the idiographic approach tend to use? Qualitative, case studies, with data from interviews, diaries, narratives and treatment session data.
What is the advantage and disadvantage of the idiographic approach? Advantage is it gives a in-depth understanding of individual, but the disadvantage is it is hard to generalize.
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