Personality Types and Measurements


207 Individual Differences Flashcards on Personality Types and Measurements, created by Dooney on 17/05/2013.
Flashcards by Dooney, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Dooney almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were the basis of the first personalities theories? Inbalance of bodily fluids
What is a popular measure for personnel selection? Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
What does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator involve? Answering out of which two worlds is more appealing
What is Myers-Briggs Type Indicator based on? Jung typology
What are the Jugian types? Extroverted-Introverted, Thinking-feeling, sensing-intuition
What are the classifications of the Myers-Briggs scale, and which types do they reflect? Favourite world (extroversion), information (sensing), decisions (thinking), and structure (judging-perceiving).
Who argued personality type is related to body type? Sheldon (1954)
According to Sheldon, an ectomorph is... Focus on nervous system and brain, physique is light bonded with slight musculature, temperament; need for privacy, restrained, inhibit.
According to Sheldon a mesomorph is... Focus on musculature and circulatory system. Physique, large, bony, well-defined musulative. Temperament, physically assertive, competitive, keen on physical activity.
According to Sheldon an Endomorph is... Focus on digestive system, physique is round body tending toward fatness. Temperament, associated with a love of relaxation and comfort, and sociable.
What is the main problem with Sheldon's somatotypes theory? Doesn't stand up to critque
Who created the type a and b personality? Friedman and Rosenman (1974)
What are characteristics of a type a personality? Impatient, competitive, aggressive, try to control
What is a type b personality? Easy going, mild manners, less hostile
What has been found regarding heart attacks and type a/b personalities? Type A are twice as likely to have heart attacks, but if survive, more likely to recover
Who identified the Type D personality? Denollet
What is the type D personality? Distressed, negative affectivity (worry, irritability, gloom), social inhibition (reticence, lack of self-assurance)
Regarding heart attacks, what was found with type D personality? Four times more likely not to survive.
Denollet (2005) found type D was related to which illnesses? Conoray heart disease, hypertension
What are the problems with type tests? Strong theories, limited evidence. People don't seemingly fall neatly into categories, link between theories and tests poorly supported, a lot of variability not explained
How did Alder (1979) disagree with Freud's theory? Disagreed with negative view of human motivation, he perceived a more unity of personality over competing structures
What did Alder (1979) stress the importance of? Social context on personality development and functioning of individual
Jung suggested the mind and body constituted a single entity, but what happened with any social inferiority? It would bring some sort of compensation
Alder argued we all strive for superiority, starting from, when? Birth
What did Alder (1979) suggest about feelings of inferiority? They allow us to sympathize with others. If get too caught up in them become defensive, develop inferiority complex or masculine protest (acting superior to compensate)
What is the (Alder) telcology approach? Opposite if deterministic approach, how we address our inferiority feelings determines our style of life attitude, which guides all behaviour.
According to Alder, to understand a person, you need to understand what? Their goals in life
According to Alder, who has a critical role in personality development? Parents
Jung explained mental illness arose from what? One sided development in psyche
What is the strength of Jung's approach? Persona part is useful
What is the weaknesses of Jung regarding description? Nothing on development, and descriptions of behaviour given is complex
According to Alder, what are the three basic concerns what we all have and address in life? Work, friendship, and love.
What are the problems with Jung's theory regarding explanation? As behaviour gets more complex there is an increase in lacking explanation. Concept of shadow, difficult to say why with psyche
What is the weakness of Jung's approach regarding empirical validity? Hard to test theory
According to Alder, how is the mother's role crucial? If child loved and wanted, mother focus on teaching social skills. If not, push for child to be ahead of others (latter likely to develop inferiority complex in child)
What are Rotter's locus of control? Internal, belief of control of outcomes. External, belief of no control of outcomes
Who found external locus related with mental illness and anxiety? Lefcourt (1992)
In Alder's theory, what is the father's role? To be a good role model of a worthwhile human being. Must treat wife as equal and cooperate with her, and vice-versa.
Who found internal locus is related to better educational success? Martinez (1994)
How is birth order important? Each new addition treated differently due to experience and it changes relationships
Who found continuied failure leads to external locus? Bender (1995)
What is Alder's neurotic personality? Very acutely feel their inferiority and try to compensate with varied success. Very inaccurate with self-evaluations, always tense and fearful in situations where failure is possible.
According to Alder, what is key to healthy development? Social interest (community feeling)
Who said there is no such thing of personality if it is purely defined by trait and state measures? Mischel (2004)
What were Alder's personality types? Ruling type, avoiding type, getting type, socially useful.
What is Alder's ruling type? Lack social interest, strive for personal superiority, manipulative
What is Alder's avoiding type? Lack confidence to solve their own problems
What is Alder's getting type? Relatively passive, little effort to solve problems, charm others to solve their problems
What is Alder's socially useful? Face life confidently, positive social interest
What is the strengths of Alder's theory? Good description of personality development, normal and abnormal behavior, easy to follow, useful explanations for common phenomena, has empirical evidence
What are the weaknesses of Alder's theory? Explanations of development + psychopathology not detailed, unlikely social interest is sole motivator, imprecise generlisation of constructs, good role model not explained
What empirical evidence for Alder's theory is there? Social interest, birth order (some extent) relationship between early recollection and individuals' conceptions of self.
Who found a relationship with current interpersonal behaviour, emotionally and perceived control? Watkins (1992)
What is Jung's (1956) psyche? A complex network of competing forces and development aims to balance these
What is Jung (1956) based upon, but how does it differ from it? Freud ideology, but claimed psychic energy was broader than aggressive and sexual cues
Jung (1956) believed personality development occurs, when? Throughout a person's whole life
What is Telology in Jung, and what role did it have? Focus on future goal, past and with telology influence behaviour
What was the end point of development in Jung (1956)? Self-realization
According to Jung (1956), what do we aim to achieve? Our own unique nature
According to Jung (1956), what happens when we have acceptance of self? And when can this only occur Inner peace, only later in life after a lot of life experience.
What are the principles of equivalence and entropy in Jung's theory? Equivalence, if activity increases in one part of psyche, decreases in another. Entropy, drive to balance energies so we can show ourselves through behaviour.
What are the main three structures of Jung's psyche? Ego, personal unconscious, collective unconscious.
What is the ego in Jung's theory? Unifying force
In Jung's psyche what is the personal unconscious? Contains all our personal experiences which are blocked for being unacceptable in some way
In Jung's psyche what is the collective unconscious? Deeper in psyche, innate, inherited instincts and universal symbols or themes beyond personal experience (archtypes)
What is a personality type? Characteristic in which people can be assigned, are one or the other.
What is a personality trait? Characteristic on which people differ, a scale
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