
Flashcards on CHANGING FAMILY PATTERNS KEY WORDS, created by ramsz001.312 on 07/05/2014.
Flashcards by ramsz001.312, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ramsz001.312 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
CIVIL PARTNERSHIP The 2004 Civil Partnership Act has given same sex couples similar legal rights to married couples in respect of pensions, inheritance, tenancies and property
EMPTY SHELL MARRIAGE A marriage in name only where a couple continues to live under the same roof but as seperate individuals. It may occur when divorce is difficult for legal, religious or financial reasons, or where a couple decides to stay together for their children.
EXTENDED FAMILY Any group of kin extended beyond the nuclear family. The family may be extended vertically or horizontally or both.
LIVING APART TOGETHER Couples who are in a significant relationship but are not married or cohabiting. Some sociologists suggest that LAT's may reflect a trend towards less formalised relationships.
NUCLEAR FAMILY A two generation family of a man and woman and their dependent children, own or adopted.
PURE RELATIONSHIP One which exists solely to meet each others needs. Couples stay together for love, happiness or attraction rather than because of tradition or duty. According to Giddins it is increasingly regarded as the only acceptable basis for a relationship.
RECONSTITUTED FAMILY A step family in which both or one partner has children from a previous relationship.
SECULARISATION The decline of religion, the process by where religious beliefs, practises, and institutions lose their importance. For example; many people disregard religious teachings on issues such as divorce and homosexuality.
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