Greek and Latin roots and affixes


Flashcards by ponygirl21810, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ponygirl21810 about 10 years ago

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Arch-means chief;first Ex's: Archetype: original, Archbishop: chief bishop, Archeology: study of first people or ancient times
Be- means over; thoroughly Ex's; Bedaub: smear all over, befuddle: to confuse totally, Beguile; totally charm or deceive
Bi- means two Ex's: Bicycle: two-wheeled fun, Biennial: every two years, Bicameral: two groups/ houses( like in congress)
Cata- means down Ex's: Catastrophe: disaster, Cataract: waterfall, Catapult; to hurl( throw down)
circum- means around Ex's: Circumnavigate: travel all the way around the world, Circumspect: cautious( looking around), Circumscribe: to limit(place a circle around)
Com-/con- means with; together Ex's: Combine: put together with, Communicate: talk with, Conference: meeting
Co-/col- means with; together Ex's: Coeditor: editor with another, Collateral: connected with, Collate: to put together
Cor-means with; together Ex's: Correlate: to match up with, Corroborate; to confirm; to verify
Contra-/ contro- means against Ex's Contravene: conflict with, Controversy: argument or dispute, Contradictory: disagreeing with
Demi- means partly; half Ex's: Demigod: partly a god, Demitasse: small cup
Di- means two Ex's: Dichotomy: split into two parts, Dilemma: choice between two bad alternatives
Dia- means across Ex's: Diameter: distance across the center of a circle, Diagonal: distance across a figure, Diagram: a drawn model
Dis-/dif- means not; apart Ex's: Discord: not in harmony, Differ: to disagree, Disparity; not being equal; having a difference
Dys- means faulty; bad Ex's: Dysfunctional: operate incorrectly, Dyslexia; faulty ability to read, Dyspepsia: indigestion
ex-/e- means out Ex's: Exit; to leave, Expel: to drive out, Extirpate: to root out, Eject: to throw out
Extra-/ extro- means beyond; outside Ex's: Extracurricular: beyond the curriculum, Extraterritorial: beyond a nations's boundaries, Extrovert; a person mostly interested in other people and things
Hyper- means above; excessively Ex's: Hyperbole: exaggeration, hyperventilate: breathe very quickly
Hypo- means beneath; lower Ex's: Hypoglycemia: low blood sugar, Hypothyroid: low- functioning, Hypodermic: beneath your skin
in-/im- means not Ex's: Inefficient: not efficient or productive, Inarticulate: can't speak understandably, Impeccable: not wrecked up; perfect
il-/ir- means not Ex's: Illegible: not readable, Irrelevant: doesn't matter, Irrevocable: can't change it or " call it back"
Inter- means between; among Ex's: Intervene: come between, International: between countries, Interjection: a comment thrown in
In-/im-/il-/ir- means in; on; upon; among Ex's: Invite: to call in, Illustration: something that makes things clear, Impression: have an effect upon someone's opinion, Irradiate: to shine upon
Intra-/intro- means within Ex's; Intramural: within a school, Introvert: person who turns within himself
Macro- means large; long Ex's: Macrobiotic: prolonging life, Macrocosm: the entire universe or " the big picture"
Mega- means great; million Ex's: Megalomania; delusions of grandeur/ greatness, Megaton: explosive force of a million tons of TNT, Megaphone: makes your voice really loud
Meta- means involving change Ex's: Metamorphosis: a complete change of form, Metacognition; a complete change of thinking
Micro- means small; miniature Ex's: Microcosm: miniature universe/world, Microscopic: extremely small to look at, Microbe: tiny organism
Mis- means bad; wrong Ex's: Misdemeanor: mior crime, Mischance: unfortunate accident, Misnomer: wrong name
Mis- means hatred Ex's: Misanthrope: person who hates mankind, Misogynist: person who hates women
Mono- means one Ex's: Monarchy: government by one king or queen, Monotheism: belief in one god, Monopoly: one person/entity has complete ownership/ control
Fic-means making; causing(adj.) Ex's: Terrific: causing fear, Soporific: causing sleep
Fy- means to make(verb) Ex's: Magnify: to enlarge, Petrify: to turn into rock, Beautify; to make beautiful
Iferous- means producing; bearing(adj.) Ex's: Pestiferous: carrying disease, Vociferous: producing a loud noise
Il/-Ile means about; capable of(adj.) Ex's: Puerile:about a boy or child, Ductile: capable of being hammered or drawn, Civil: polite
Ism- means doctrine; belief system( noun) Ex's: Monotheism: belief in just one god, Communism: doctrine of the government owning everything and people owning nothing, Judaism: belief in the Jewish Yahweh god
Ist- means doer, person who studies Ex's: Geologist: person who studies the earth, Artist: person who creates art, Realist: person who who" does" reality
Ity- means state of being Ex's: Annuity: having a yearly grant, Credulity: being very willing to believe, Sagacity; being full of wisdom
ize/- ise means to make Ex's: victimize: to make someone a victim, Harmonize: to make pleasing, blending sounds, Enfranchise: to set or make free
Oid- means resembling, like Ex's: Asteroid: like a star, Anthropoid: resembling a human, Spheroid: similar to a sphere
Ive- means pertaining to; about Ex's: Expensive: costly, Quantitative: about an amount, Effusive:" gushy"
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