Reading Quiz 1


History (World Civilizations) Flashcards on Reading Quiz 1, created by Jay Wright on 21/01/2017.
Jay Wright
Flashcards by Jay Wright, updated more than 1 year ago
Jay Wright
Created by Jay Wright almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Neandertal Peoples People living in Europe and southwest Asia at the same time as Homo sapiens. Traded and interbred with Homo sapiens Advanced funeral rituals showed strong emotional development. 200,000-35,000 years ago.
Menes Official from Upper Egypt who created political nation of Egypt. Founded Memphis and created idea of pharaoh, half-king and half-divinity. Memphis became political/cultural center of Egypt, which became far more unified and powerful. 3100 BCE
Hyksos Semitic horse-riding nomads with a strong military advantage over Egyptians. Captured Memphis and levied tribute through Egypt. In response, Egyptian nobles organized revolts and buffed up their army. Eventually pushed out the Hyksos and formed the New Kingdom. ~1674
Egyptian trade networks Regular trade between Egypt and Nubia in Old Kingdom. Nubia sent ivory, ebony, leopard skins, ostrich feathers, gems, gold, and slaves. Egypt sent pottery, wine, honey, linen, and knick-knacks to Nubia. Kept a link between Egypt and Nubia, despite military tensions. 2660-2160 BCE
Harappan society Society that developed in Indus Valley. Two cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Agricultural, standardized architecture across region. Strong social stratification. Fertiltiy-based religion. Disappeared around 1900 BCE, but their ways lived on. 3000-25000 BCE
Neolithic religion Centered on agricultural rhythms of birth, growth, death, regenerated life, and fertility. Associated many deities with animals that have phases of life (frogs, butterflies, etc) Didn't consider death the end. 12,000-6,000 years ago
Epic of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh was an early king of Sumer who was so beloved that he was immortalized in legend. Stories centered on his friendship with Enkidu and the adventures they had. Relations between mankind and the gods, meaning of life, death's inevitability Reflected the philosophical issues of Mesopotamian society. After 2000 BCE
Osiris Egyptian god of death, associated with the Nile and farming. Murdered by his brother Seth, who scattered his body parts around the world. Isis retrieved them and the gods restored Osiris to life as the god of the Underworld. Illustrated Egyptian desire for eternal reward after death.
Lawbook of Manu Lawbook created by an anonymous sage and attributed to Manu, the founder of the human race. Dealht with proper moral behavior, including gender politics >> men should respect women, but women should be subservient to men. Their most important duty is to bear children. Underscored patriarchal Vedic society. First century BCE
Sargon Empire creator in Mesopotamia who overthrew the king of Kish, recruited an army, and then attacked the Sumerian city-states. Relied on his personal presence to keep order throughout the empire -- frequently sparked local rebellions. Controlled trade. Akkad, the capital, became most wealthy and powerful city in the world. Eventually weakened due to city-state rebellion.
Horses Indo-European speakers originally hunted them, but eventually learned to domesticate them, hitch them to carts and chariots. Magnified power -- faster transport and major military advantage. Domesticated 4000 BCE.
Egyptian social classes Peasants and slaves supplied agricultural labor. Military force, bureaucracy of administrators that served the government Pharoah was an absolute ruler Commoners could get high positions through government service.
Bantu Group in sub-Saharan Africa between eastern Nigeria and southern Cameroon. Cultivated yams and oil palms, settled along river banks. Lived in clan-based villages headed by chiefs (also religious leaders). Eventually migrated into western Africa and the Congo River basin. 4000 BCE
Upanishads Dialogues exploring the Vedas and the religious issues they raised. Stated that everyone is part of the universal soul, Brahman, which the only genuine reality. Reincarnation. The goal of the individual soul is to escape reincarnation cycle and become one with Brahman. Held implications for the caste system. 800-400 BCE.
Patriarchy Society in which men hold societal power over women.
Kingdom of Kush Nubian leaders established this in Upper Nubia after the domination of Lower Nubia by Egyptians. The capital was Kerma. Wealthy, occasionally threatened southern Egypt. 2500 BCE.
Vedic Age Time in which Aryans and Dravidians clashed frequently. Named for the religious text.
Brahman Universal Soul mentioned earlier.
Hittites Indo-European speakers that build a powerful kingdom during 16-17th centuries BCE. Toppled Babylonian empire 1595 BCE and became dominant power in that area. Refined iron metallurgy and war chariots, which spread around the region. Dissolved in 1200 BCE.
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