DE100 Investigating Psychology, Chapter 2, Week 7


These flashcards are taken from chapter 2 of Investigating Psychology. Course book from OU course DE100 Investigating Psychology
Anneliese Shaw
Flashcards by Anneliese Shaw, updated more than 1 year ago
Anneliese Shaw
Created by Anneliese Shaw over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Obedience Complying with the Demands of others usually those in positions of authority
Who tested Obedience? Stanley Milgram (1961)
Ethics Principles that determine right and wrong conduct. In psychology research, this refers to the codes and principles that researchers should adhere to.
Informed Consent The principle in psychology research whereby participants must be given comprehensive information concerning the nature and purpose of the research and their role in it, in order that they can make an informed decision about whether to participate.
Nuremberg Code (1946) A set of 10 ethical rules that psychological research must adhere to.
What are the 4 main principles of the Nuremberg Code 1. Informed Consent 2. Right to Withdraw 3. Welfare of the participant 4. Costs and Benefits of the research
Debrief A post-research interview designed to inform the participant of the true nature of the study. It may also be used to gain useful feedback about the procedures in the study.
Replication When a result from a research study is found again in a subsequent study. This is important to establishing the veracity of a finding.
Avatar A term used to describe an alternative virtual identity that is used in three-dimensional computer games, or an image used to represent oneself in online communication.
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