

A1B2-4 Psychology Flashcards on Psychology, created by shea7connell on 20/03/2014.
Flashcards by shea7connell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shea7connell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is size constancy? We perceive an object as the same size even if its closer or further away
What is relative size? Smaller objects are perceived as further away than larger ones.
Texture gardient An area with a detailed pattern is perceived to be nearer than one with less detail.
Gestalt laws Perceptual rules that organise stimuli
Perception The way the brain makes sense of the visual image by the eyes
Retina The light-sensitive layer at the back of the eyes, made up of nerve cells called rods and cones
Rods Light-sensitive layers that detect light and movement
Cones Light-sensitive layers that detect colour
Optic Nerve A bundle of nerves that lead out at the back of eyes that takes the information from the cones/rods to the brain
Depth cues Visual clues that we use to understand depth or distance (monocular/binocular)
Monocular Depth Cues Information about distance that only needs one eye-Superimposition, relative size, texture gradient,linear perspective and height in plane
Binocular Depth Cues Information about distance that needs two eyes (superimposition)
Superimposition Partly hidden object must be further away than the object covering it
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